Materials Science Forum

ISSN: 1662-9752. Vol. 1010. pp 526-511 doi:!0.4028/hwh: s cień tific. net/MSF. 1010.526 & 2020 Trans Tech Puhlications Ud. Switzerland

Suhmitted: 2020-01-04 Revised: 2020-01-06 Accepted: 2020-01-06

Online: 2020-09-17

Surface Modification of 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Chloride-Treated

Lignocellulosic Materials

Asanah RADHI1A\ Abdullah OTHMAN1b, Muhammad AFIF AZIZ1c and Nik Raihan NIK YUSOFF1d

'Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jęli Campus, 17600 Jęli,

Kelantan, Malaysia

aasanah@umk.edu.my, babdullah.e16a0004@siswa.umk.edu.my, cafifazizumk@gmail.com


Keywords: Lignocellulosic materials; łonie liquid; Surface modification; Cationic surfactant

Abstract. Lignocellulosic materials are generally considered hydrophilic due to the high deasity of hydroxyl groups. The usc of lignocellulosic materials in hydrophobic systems thus rcquirc surface modification. Thereforc, in this study, ccllulose (MCC) and sawdust (SD) havc been pretreated with ionic liquid, l-butyl-3-mcthylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCI) prior to surface modification with cationic surfactant, hcxadccyl trimcthylammonium bromide (CTAB). The cffcct of BMIMCI pretrcatment prior to surface modification has been imestigated. Crystallinity, functional group changcs, morphology and thermal stability of the sawdust and cellulose upon BMIMCI pretreatment and surface modification havc been studied using x-ray diiTraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spcctroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and thcrmogravimctric Analysis (TGA). XRD rcsults showed that the structurc of lignocellulosic materials became morę amorphous upon pretreatment with BMIMCI. FTIR results indicatcd that the modification of lignocellulosic is morę cfficicnt in BMIMCI-pretreated samplcs. Perccntage of dccomposition is higher for the BMIMCI-pretreated and CTAB modified samplcs.


The clTcctivencss of intcractions bctwccn the fiber and the matrix is a major factor that determines the mcchanical strength and environmental stability of natura! fiber reinforeed thermoplastic compositcs. Howcvcr, the hydrophilic charactcristic naturę of the natura! fiber causcs a poor adhesion between the fiber and matrix. Lignocellulosic materials are generally considered hydrophilic due to the high density of hydroxyl groups [ 1 ].

The usc of lignocellulosic materials in hydrophobic systems thus require surface modification. Thereforc, clTorts should be madę to improve the compatibility between the hydrophilic wood fiber and hydrophobic polymcr matrix. It is thus possible to modify the fibril surfaccs by ionic bonds with a hydrophobic countcrions. The Chemical modification of lignocellulosic materials such as sawdust and cellulose by attaching various functional groups is casy to conduct sińce it contains lignin and cellulose with high amount of hydroxyl functional group that is pronc to Chemical modification [2)[3J[4J.

N-hcxadccyl trimcthylammonium bromide (Ci6H33N(CH3)3Br, (CTAB) is a hydrophobic cationic surfactant that may incrcase the hydrophobicity of the nanofibril surfaccs. Asshown in Fig. 1, CTAB is a cationic surfactant with a quatcrnary ammonium head and a Cl6 alkyl taił and commonly used to modified lignocellulosic materials [3J. Howcvcr, in order to incrcase the cfTicicncy of surface modification it is csscntial to pre-treat the wood fiber prior modification. In this work, ionic liquid l-butyl-3-mcthylimidazolium chloride (BMIMCI) was used to pretreat the wood fibrę prior to Chemical modification with CTAB.

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