Factsheet: Belgium - Flanders
Current use of EPCs and potential links to iBRoad
The Belgian Region of Flanders has abouc 3.1 million residential buildings (amouncing co abouc half of Che cocal building scock) wich an overall poor building performance. Energy Performance Cercificaces (EPCs) are compulsory for all new buildings and for exiscing buildings when sold or renced. The Flemish Energy Agency (VEA) is responsible for che quality assurance of EPCs, execucing compliance checks and performing on-sice visics. Energy audics are noc posiCively viewed by che markec due co cheir high cosc.
Overview of the building stock
Figurę 1: Flemish building stock per construction year (Source: EU Building stock Observatory)
Total building floor area:
3,700 km2 (2015)
Stare of residential floor area:
Number of single-family houses:
2.1 million
Percentage of buildings built before 1990:
Average residential energy consumpdon:
293 kWh/m2/year
Average residential envelope perfomance:
1.02 W/m2oC
Renovation ratę:
< 1%
Thte project has recetveO rundlng rrom the European Unlon‘8 Hotaon 2020 research ano lmovaOon programme under grant agreement N3 754045
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