The <Jevełopmerd and mpiementaDon of nationBś renovatxxi strategies &y Merrtxr States was agreed in the Energy Emdency Drectńre1 (EED) n 2012. ArticJe 4 repuired nabonal governments to present a fint version of such a strategy in Aprif 2014. and thatthis strategy be updatedeverythre«years. In Apri 2017. aa MemDer States shc*Jd hawe submitted a rewsed strateg)' to the Europę on Corrnussion. However, on 20 November 2017, only 1S out of 28 strategies seem to hrrre been submitted as seen on the website of DG Enerat.
This briefing provides a snassfwt of measures supportrg bui-drg rerermtion in selected Memoer States as of Seotember 2017. As marry retórei processes ere righty dynamie the situation may thange quicMy.
To oocjTiert the eftsrts -nade by Member States, BPIE partnered with the Renosate Europę Ca-noaign to eramine the stratepes pro.ided by seected countries (Croetta. the Ctech RepuDłe. France. Greece. Hungary. I rei and. Rafy. Połana. Span). "The briefrg rewews the steps tałen to nWemer* the 2014 person of the renorabon strategies and whst progres; fos eeen modę with the 2017 upsate (for selected countries}. The aratysi: found a rangę of measures wtich were rewty irrpemented or devetooed fUrther to stśmulate the renoration of the bui-drg
Rock. Oeany. some of the wńewed strategies show thot it is posaWe to irtroc-jce strategie boióes er-d supporting measures which are deneftting dtćen; and the ecorcmy alite. These cojntries aso pro/e thot propess in rero>at'rg the Buildrg stodc can be acrieued if poiitśal will and priority settfig are anowing it. The dbejment lets some of the major aeas ta* en by ratcral gorem-nerts as a soura of inspiraoon for others to fonow.
The mim aiso arafysed a selecton of renowator strategies (Croota. the Ctech RedJbic. France. Itay. Spein), with respect to co-roiance with A-ticle 4 of the EED. The anafysts is Dased on raboral seniora -wtticn a-e pebiefy a.aiable The conausors are deriwec by comparing the strategie; with the gjdarce prowded for the oewdopment of Natórai Energy Efftóency Acton Plan; (HEEAPs) wfich indude a Oetailed secbon on the topie
It shoUd be recaled thot this review of tre 2017 reno.aton strategie; was undertefcer By dfferent orgarisatens in each Member State. abeit Based on common critera. trd herce these assessments a-e subject to tre natura: waratńn thot eósts tebween drrefent assessors They rcftect a naóonai persoecawe and shoukJ not be used for a country comparison.