AlBLrrr.2017 .u .uea- ■■ .
A. jt.-23171. a ... L .
Reimagining the energy system - smart buildings and electric vehicles
How smart buildings and electric yphidas can succassfuRy work tog*th*r
By CosmŃM Moritn, BuHdings Performance MstUote Europo
bul uy lnalci łbould«>uuuieg« and •ro*nr oroducton ano irll rnr.ujriilrr
BuH-ngn TanipotT ano poeuor
wcm a aiw U iw tliła* biggaal
CO. polotem in Turope. H jf enieig ng neu bwds - sucli as dtfł«aWB«kłn, m.itscuetoir.Mmn, i«f«t łaoon. greaui cłrcular«< and
mMuTadfciBncy - Mslciw^płw
marł ojr fransforming how ♦«« certom wort I 'eve ectrrnal factots. togeeber wrb thoEl/c docaroor Mion
goab. muli luad fc> att energy eff u«il.
mor* dłtenf* sed, r*vir«afc.l*en*n7r Imm-J ei*J a«eidei>e«denterie<gy
Wbiła in the pM, i*in>« th-ee Mirtom tnryM I «ce been sep; a.ed. they aie ncw otedby -nnuatice BerKno nginc and but-* et: moOas. a iigioftho
c ner '.ja łplBm'1 cTun^na ncadt
Bv Mings. currently 0*.en vm**d as rile> j* areerobing. becotning rrurro onorgy hubt. Thoto aro bcikłrgc
Aaubly uuftr.ocled anj syviLh*t*MMd antl tha nrtirrj, .»y\t*ir\ abl* *o |»'jdi.'.e, słot; end/ot cunsune eneiy/ oHirrrrly Thny ran .nrtapt to r»m's needt and simultaneoutly itrengthen thai trwgi ayatem M :ro enmgy-huba •u* buHditgt.
Alntorr in par» e, oloanc -.chcloi hav« eiitamti tle morkę:, beinu uf anipu'tad by COmpan.*ł Ike Tesl*. tul my* heilee by roust car inanuUiUaierB A JW¥ tar IW; n* ll 'rnintB ar po kiliur an-J gmon nonie gu err wiw In Normo/, lu* e<aii*łkr. strusi one ujo- o- J tho mw »«*■ fiat toki today nm on
«k>tv ccy and po A cians •tom all udet
Kna ngreed to kavn 1 CCft* cA +-C nnaly tegeleied uocafuly alei. / k. by 202S.
In t-« ur. up ło ć0% ol -mm c»' aa lat in 733(1 shoule bo nlnct- e wahHru And recełill) Stiton uaiuiec ilu; tale of ni d ao* »nd perrry cars and v.tns
hom 2040. e.« tor ; ng ccncemt Tai
liyli Wab of ritrucjan oaiua prałara a major rijk to pufcl c hetUt nspodeH/ in ol** I •* ronn »nem 'olluwi a snillor (■inilgo (tvs-Io by IVanc«tttcyo.v
Mary eitins orn rnn nmy
Iser cłru •> Germany, rs niiy*-iien'jrg
rnlnrcneUBm r»lm pn|nrt rn r-eof o amar^cnarging ard aaiiar o Ing
praradljnll Ic- nloct-ic oahidas Canon.
■Ałile 'or.-adoplT-s o< ełe-cflc reh.cln h»»e deab unlh a fragmrnied natker, i trrseer poy-renr merhod -t regj rod lu fwtlwr U>M uplA» llnougli ama*l
ecmucts ir c<xid bn po»&« ‘er o bolid ng cwner to wdl jjairJ, Ol esc*s». groan nkv-tnny prod ircd by rtc boildrag lo ca'i panar u by.
Induy.iy u abu kiuklng for 'n»p lo t»p nto rhit 'aorlnlon oł tSo rroblity madtot. AGarman company, Ltat-crty,
ia u rderlob ng a ac ed la bot d
cbdrging socIjMS kx«l*c»n< .ebkle; ln*o «t*ł »npt Vovo lai announced that ncnlllaunch olo-rtricard ryty«d
urt Łoni203y. And linulaiiwirung
nn en olnmrir ca' łn bo perwnend hy *n ad.-arceo l>ve i/Lwleiy l* «l b«s dw pcłnntirl "O tncrc.v» Ic^np 'n-wyn .mrl raduco chargi ng ltm«
Bot il eleclic vehkrb? clvś'ging gow
i rv'M*r krH f* gnd *ay no» b* aH* 10
suttiin it. "ho pcoblom : no<*ba Jurgo in be l;X< enagy ploduction, Lut łba mar«gsm*nt ol osait ffemming tnor» a nr Jeipurad swteborer Ipeleclik ram Binldingc can be r*o soli,non
Opnralinc a* irófm ornagy bibs, boildngs ce>*i«.tt>; a oa orcrig fuice for -ho nnnrny tyclam .v,1 fr.unr J emootn tram oon from -ostrl r.clk-d '.ai»loe)*.btcv*liKje* Al ale buiUinu* aro rw/oring trrartor, co .to ran ono the I ctarging r lnaslruttu'#. And a* olnrtric wenirlna nro nwtftr oHanynd nt ńome ono »t łie «p'Moce. buildingi are dmvf| Dang rraodormrd rrn dockmg ttationc - modenr gai jtasont
- piońling rertoablu alecliioly
nitead ol *ovii 'uelt.
II* bu Pinu 1'rnpuil enJpuvt«l .wlm om cnanwlnri by lleM nnove.»o- Jrvrl.u-nei i.). bul a su by a growrg nood to tar Ir.-in tłioe mcirlot -f.ilo to a. c.d ca idy toiket in ponur dcmand Tłu* ii nbawn imMni lodiirg andpiogressń* ’*g slello»icorr*sln. New polKlec a* needed to k»»t*r not orły jp-ako butaico a«-:arboni;aton
of Ilia atiBrgy ryalem. blactr c wltiilai
and buildings ans cr.ri tl hy Curope to •tteei Ib cli nate and emngy goałj.
Maty-mekart suppoil
nnr,vrrrm bt.u rmi irncrJa
et cuo-agbig mole eiectilc uehides. cmcrtorbulkUngc, and grearc-•lectocty, proaidrtg at loca commur cy lovnl tnn rornmary cborgirg ay\Sr.-na,
inte-conr*aed rafi anao enetgjnłiulis Hotvsv«r. g ven that th# rconology
raaatau Ui alaUtic aefoclai end
che-ging is devek>p«ng rep dly. «ny lockmi tu e*nt ng leclinoluDe* musi be asnidot fVa rvjupri-ę| Bairdingjjiaam
cutBOuiU fot piw-Lebling fur eaarupfej and arrao to a suffierr* pono' mpply, to eteUe fte kulellalion ol teufiarging pm-r. -stor.It totoapompnarnrhan a ipccłcation o* chatg>ng ir/rait/uctu-e •Kai mayba niacitec, unrecaaBcry,
ins.f kiwa oi OKrsced coce the buldlng u osad -ijb. the ant of aguipp og Bui O ngc wrti condurs i:
eafjwctad u be aunaderebly climf*',
to tbis could o*s»r be put in p sce in gil new o« itnowed bubdlngs.