Lcoscd Wiro Associated Press


3vies as Usual

jRoguigll Batlg iRrrarb

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-ovr^» hroko ond llood wokirs rollod inlo tho lown ol Grand <«. III. bal whJo lho rnanoger oi Ihu roovlo thoatw jwoops th* woxw ihal bas onicred th* lobby. th*M yciiix»5er» ar* <dm<j In lin* lor bekon łoe tbo ntghi* p*rformanc*. (AP

ophotol.__    _ I

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Claims Army Is Sfacking Courłs Marfial

Indiana Senator Lays Protest Before Patterson

Waduneloo. July S <.H-Ben-atoe Jeisner <R-Ind • contrnded loday lh»l "the huh ecenmand m thr Europem theatre u stack-in» rourta M»m« defeodmu In court mirtial "

In a Irtler to 8Kmut of Wir Petterson demindinr » luli In-mUiaucn ol simy mliitary triki procedur*. Jenner offered whit he wid «u documenury P«oo{ that:

I. "Prtsoners aie not beliw per-mltud to empioy etihrr cieilian oc mili lary couruel oł thetr o«ti chotce ui Uh peeparation ind preser is tlen o< Uirlr derenie ■

2 -tvrry effort U bem* modę to prerent iltoreey* who were cecir.ee ud wlth Uh tnfamout Uchlield pruco cise to prictice In rourti martikl m Uh Euro-pean theatre."

The Indiana senator nade pupile a rop} of an mfonnal -raut-Ina alip" »hłdi he wid was sl*n-rd trjr 8n*. Oen Cornelius E Kysn aaalalam deptity. mliitary ROYrrnracnt headeuarters for Uh mliitary toremment for Oermany. and wmten by Col. Francis H. Vmderwerker. Jenner told ne»s-men that thr routlm allp tub-atantlated hu chartea.

The ałlp. addreaaed to Uh rhlef of Staff. USTTT •praaumabty 1)8 forewa. EUrcpean theatrei. a as dated lut Oct 22.

eoawm. icrw unsco. tuewmy july a im:


RAAF Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch in Roswell Region

House Passes Tax Slash by Large Margin

Defeat Amendment By Demos to Remove ! Mony from Rolls

Washington. July » '<*■> — The hoiue pawed today thr Repubłl-; can-backed bili to cu! inccene > tases by li.OC0.OW 000 annualiy for «» COO.COO taspaym. beeinnlm i Jan I.

It «or» to the senat* w herc ap-proval aiso U foeecast.

| Th* set* »a» 202 to II. 0r morę i than thr two-thlrds majomy i needed to oserrlde a ptcaldenual I v*lo

i Th* actton »hlch may encoun-ter another preałdenUal seto. ramę alter Speaker Martin <R-Mau •. person ally appeal to the hous* to paw the bill by soch a drcuise rotę—aa to perauade the presldent i Uiat Uh people abould hare Uilal drtayed lustlce

The tnrasurr U Idenueal wlth

Security Council Paves Way to Talki On Amis Reductions

tak* Succeaa. July I Jt-The United Natłona security council today approied an Amertean blue-prlnt for umi reductirm disciu-Moot des pile a Ruaatan wamlrur that the plan trould brtr* about a cotlapw of arrns refułauon efforu.

The sec* was ł to 0. w.th Rus-slan and Roland abatatnine

In siew of KusiliS firm aland nnalnst Uh U 8 PU® H had beeei bęliesed ahe rouht (peolke Uh bu power seto to bJock R.

8ov.et Dcputy Rofclan Minister ADdrel A. Oromyko hu *arn-ln* before the United Natlona ae-curtty council In a ne» effoct to rewce the Sonet worklna pian whlch alrcady had been rejecled

3Uie commisslcci for convrnUoo-armamenta

Hu chalkme wat taken up | prcoiptly by rrench ddetate Al-' eaandre Parodl and U. 8. Repre-aenuuee HrractHi V. Johnson, i w ho annerjneed thetr oppoadlon to any tuts»uiute for Uh American plan.

No Dełails of Ex-King Carol Weds Mme.

Flying Disk Are Retealed

Roswell Hardware Man ond Wite Report Disk Seen

The usteUMetsc* Office of the SMth Bpenbardment iroup at Roa- , »ell Anny Air PHId anaounced at noon today. that Uh field hai coene into poaaeaalon of a flyir* i

Accordinc to ufformatioo re-; leaaod by the depanment ov»ri authonty of Maj J. A. Mami.' in tellu enc* officer. the duk wma recoyered on a ranch In the Rot- , »*U s-.cmlty. afler an urudentmłd I rancher had noufied Shenff Oeo : WUcox. hm. that he had fosmd i Uh instrument on his pr.mltw Major Marcel and a detali from hU depanment went to uh ranch and recoeered Uh duk. u waa •U ud

Afler uh inteUueoor Office here I had lnapccted Uh uutrument It

was ROWD to -Mehee loWcusr.l


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