Ld Sv
■Jht* unrt *ronłain» n*y ,,UK,C *•
" ' . mn,|r|L Ran and Raui Rem u arrned with a antper nfle and itub pistol. Katu ts ermed with a ttuh nuto! and dcmolition
1- - In unfir tr ml
mapo# |
TW |
s |
AP |
B |
Soipcr ride |
36* |
Heary I |
4 |
0 |
i |
A model ftring thi* weapon can Urgct an enemy Charac n u even il they are not tlie liotest enemy umt II you tuli a wound roli uf 64 fur thu weapon. u mllkn a morłal wound on the target in addition to itt norma! damage. |
Stnb pmnl |
9“ |
Pistol 1 |
4 |
0 |
I | |
Dcroollntw charge |
<r |
Grenadę D6 |
8 |
•3 |
D3 |
Ihu weapon can only bc fi red once per battle. |
Raut nur maiły, you tan wait umil lioth armie* arr Ality deployrd and then place ihcm anywhere on the battlrficld that u marę tłun IB* away (rum any enemy modeli. Ifboih playera have umu wUh abilitie* Uke thu, they tbouid mil oir. and the winner chnotc* w ho will te! up their uniu lim.
Shoot Sharp and Scarper: Immediateły aft er nulung a ihootmg .iti.uk wilh Kem or Raut (olher tłum ftring Omwatih), ihal model can move aa if II wctc tlie Mowmcal phaae (lhough il cannot Advance a* pan o f this nunc).
Naturally Steallhy If Rem and Raut arr trceiving the benefil ofcover. add 2 to tlteir *aving throwt irutc.nl ofl.
tel up on the battlehctd. both modeli muu be placed in unit cohereiicy with cadt olher From that point onwaidt, each o|>eratc* mdepcmlently and la treated as a separate umt
Grappllng llook: When moving wtth Raut. do not count any mtical dwtaiKC hc move* agalntt the toul he can movr that turn (l.e monng vmically u frer for tłm modeli
Ihc Ratling Twim: You can rc-rołl tailed hit and
wound roili when thoollng with Reint tniper nfle if
lite- Ufjtct it .ilto vi*ihie to RlUL
Imperium, Astra Militarum, Militahum
Character. Infantry, Ratłino, Riin Charactfr, Infantry, Ratiing, Raus