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First. Cułtwrc Sycona

wm the pcpOaton grwm. new »**> has been a straiegy deeióg wffi me ooeasmj rev-denbal demamiStatedm Polcy Address 2014 u 2016, t» prmo courw o* Tung Chuna Eoenskn Area was :^e >mmed»ate rekcaoon o* pcputatcn kom major dsmcts and mmgraton » a*e*a»

me soamg densrty tewl Owrwwng the new toen ptan-ning m»l oł thor land has teen dodcated to r*s<Jor(Ml Swpo», af»3 so as Tung Oong Ea« &rt«rts«n Area The new fcoenson area. eaienng tor an addtcoai pcęotatco ot 118.000. tesatou prowscn oI 40.000 llits, m me rato c* 64 puUc-to-pwafe OsMwlcn Y« me dsYCoton cland. accwdng to me zcftng ptan. o moreor-łess a 55 rato I! is men fcreseeapte mai me tufcing densty d me

puMc reśdential area wcutd be muchhgher man ratof prr<,wręsoema'arca mmegovnv mental polcy. K « knwm as a comrron smaiegy ot rekcaang me popUaoon fot aaorrmodat-ng me amemtes seamj Soch eiectfco had resoted « me under prwSdng capaor, <rf ove rfrasoucfcre and tocal emckrymeot cępcorły. Turo Chung »« crtłOMd as the Wamous and dytfunciónaJ dormitory lo«n

PHASE 2 : 2060


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