Dominik Głowacki Student Wydziału MEiL PW Wojciech Wronicz Student Wydziału MEiL PW Dr inż. Piotr Marek Instytut Techniki Lotniczej i Mechaniki Stosowanej Politechniki Warszawskiej
[1] Tomasz Zagrajek, Grzegorz Krzesiński, Piotr Marek Metoda elementów skończonych w mechanice konstrukcji - ćwiczenia z zastosowaniem systemu ANSYS
[2] Stanisław Łączek - Wprowadzenie do systemu elementów skończonych ANSYS
[3] Gustaw Rakowski, Zbigniew Kacprzyk - Metoda Elementów Skończonych w mechanice konstrukcji
[5] Witold Błażewicz - Budowa samolotów
[6] Bohdan Jancelewicz - Podstawy konstrukcji lotniczych z kompozytów polimerowych
[9] M.E.Niezgodziński T.Niezgodziński - Wzory wykresy i tablice wytrzymałościowe
[10] Wiesław Stafiej Obliczanie dźwigara laminatowego - Technika Lotnicza i Astronautyczna nr 3/1979r. [ 14] Przepisy Lotnicze JAR 23
This aniele presents the design proces of the composite elastic undercarriage leg for Ihe American aireraft SkyBolt.
New solution was indented to be maintenaceless design with improved aerodynamics performance and aesthetics. The aim was also to gain ability ot exchange both types of undercarriage and not to make major modification of existing structure. Another important feature was to minimalise the mass.
In this work CAD/CAM/CAE engineering software was used. Design was done with CATIA system. The strength analysis was perform with the use of the analytical model with MathCad software and Finite Element Method (FEM) model using Ansys system.
Two structure types of undercarriage leg were considered; the first one with glass fibrę reinforcement and the second one. hybrid, with glass and carbon fibrę reinforcement. The analysis was performed for both Solutions.
Because of existing coupling, the choice of optimal dimension of the gear's cross section was gained in iteration way following to some algorithm. During opłimisation process parametrie models were used. It allowcd to obtain high enough dcflcction with acceptable stress level.
Dominik Głowacki e-mail: