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276 Great Basin Natura li st MemoirsNo. 11 tint Annual Report 1951. 84 p. (en). __ 1952. Report of t
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256 G H E AT B AS IN N ATU RA LI ST M E M 01 RSNo. 11 Unpublished dissertation, Oregon State Univer-
176 G b e at Basi N atu ka li st M e ni oi rsNo. 11 __1SS4. Tomicus hajdom EichhofT n. sp. Pages 29
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No. 11 G RE AT B AS 1N N AT U RA LI ST M E M 01 RS . 1953. On population regulation of forest insect
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328 GRE AT B AS 1N N ATU RA Li ST M E M 01 RSNo. 11 Institnta, No. 39, Sbornik Listvennitsa. Krasnoy
332 G KE AT B AS IN N ATU RA LI ST M E M Ol RSNo. 11 __ 1977. Insects attacking forest trces in the
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