Characterizing Motor and Cognitivc Effccts Associated With Deep Brain Stimulation In the GPI of Kem I-Parkinson la n Rats
Cnhanccd Effccthr© ConnoctMty In M.kS Occlpłtal Strokc Patlents With Hemlanopia
Characterizing Motor and Cognitive Effects Associated With Deep Brain Stimulation in the GPi of Hemi-Parkinsonian Rats
Th* g»0bui 0*Mdu* m ternu! (GP») ‘i1h* ma* Output nu<S*uS 01 th* bdSOl ę*rvgłio, whKh rt asiooated wnh o van«ty ©f funtf*** motor p*rformor<* and <ogr*oo. Th* G*
i$ oo* of th* pomory Urget* o/ ćftp bra»n stimulabo* (03S) in patxr*s w*th moveme*t d*Ord«rt. Mo**vtr, th* th*rap«ut< mechanłsm of GPi-O&S * poorty uod*rstood and rOd*nt modeli h*v* rot b**n <r*facterued Cogr.<rvc i>d* «ff*cti. WCh di »mpu«w*y and d*pr*ii»on. of DBS trcotment for Poftonsoo'* d*i*as* dr* kr***. Out th*ir r*łat»onih-p to th* cffcacy of the treatment is not v»*ll exp4a*r*d.
Controlled Ncrvc Ablatlon With Olrctt Currcnt: Parametcrs and Mechanlsmt
Humań-Robot Intcractlon: Kincmatics and Musde Actlvłty Inslde a Powercd Compllant Knee Exoskel*ton
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