
Carner Care Ontario Action Canccr Ontario

Plcaic do not inckjde yoor na me ot addreu on the envt<ope


6560 Kennedy Roa Mississauga, ON L5T 2X4

Exempt Humań Specimen/Specimen Humain Exempte


FIT Instructions

This FIT package includes:



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2. Write


Datcofbirth    Yournomc

b Ihił your informjtiofi? If noc cali LifHabi «l1-8ł J-676-1426

3. Pee and Flush    4. Prepare

5. Poop

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m iwanMtunnwiumc.inii kwiHw»—


Cłtinf Carw Ontario

Need this information in an accessible format?

1-855-460-2647 TIY (416! 217-1815 publi<a«atrtti<an<*fcar*.on.ca

lnu KłtKjn r*i«w, corliKt yom MlS « r-jrtinfl Mjtlor to dltCMU drop <# opuom


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