f 5. To crede o PC. mrite o poerr\ ctoout them %
/ mith 5 elements: YnSr name. their appearonce. on epic ood - find
*'c' % i %
4. Descrfoe the bonds^ between the PC& eoch of I them feełs responsble for J
1. Oefre the aenerd setfno of your cam-pdort the desired fme. ploce. fontostic levd 4 oenerd
a treasure. saie o loued one, reoch o leoendory island. U o smom enem/.
- 4 tmo other useful detofc to better define them. Udu can mrite one \ierse per * Semeni or o single mord. mcke rhymes or not: your poetry is free! Identify the
• dfferent elements of your poem by underihino them or putttno o symbol next to
I them. Aport from these 5 etements. your poems eon be os tono os you mfch mood. hen. os o orotp. crecte the ploce ukere your t
i Ą you can compteto it wheneuer you Bce,
PCs stort - guesfons to do so one d the bock - : eoch ^ - —
player eon dso crede cnother ploce. tehabłted or not. if they so desire. Put d of these ploces on o map!
9 J i
I 4 y°u can compłete it mheneuer you 8ce. /
' / A bm-haJ C-Mbss rrW-RPG fon 3 to 5 Pirabs Wrftten 1 V
A bm-houl. GMtess rrW-RPG, for 5 to 5 Prałeś. Witten ? r\ Nbwember 2048 by Come Marfn.
6. Eoch player credes d leost [one NPG they eon be rvds or
another - utryl - ond went I P c^es ^ S€ł/ercł PCs can be irked
throuah on edc o&entune/ , fo the sane NPC 5ay they
• ore on the mep-. one of these NPC I
9 is ofter the PCs uhen the ccm-I
Jpdon storfs. why?
i o tHrd one.
5. As
defrne your meo\s of trcnsportdton 4 deterrWne the first step to reoch your II, corrmon or indoiduol ood/s.
7. Tre PCs hewe tmo shored poots. sjnx - storttno empty - 4 Loot -stortino d 8.
WHEN you mant to odd o nem element to 'j >our poem. spend os much Loot os thene oheady one
• elements in your poem - oddne, o 6* element thus cosfs
• 5 Loot. Tts nem element eon be odded to the poem
• //"'
, | or you can reuse existinc, Snes: remember the# your
I poems eon be os tonc, os you ufch. so bnc, os you don t
* ha/e morę elements thcri
\ you should! V »
11. When o PC ends their currentN.^1 f story one. they stort o nem one 4 U *
Euryone praefces poetry tn the lerrfbries. whether they ore sdors or not. But ifs o deseerdeły etosie, eerured, consded brm cf poetry. Uou 4 your rrdes wi haue w of thd 4 to* dedded b uatoer throuoh the
10. Rnaty. you eon dam other peoples feds os your
Tarto to Amaud. GiAxtme, Go/ire 4 Jiien.
poem Uou eon dso rnrłte seoe/j poems \ 12. Elements of o completed poem ore \
fixed - they con't be modfted or neutrefeed I
- i ore rom morth 1d8 eoch 'nsteod of 1d6. ■
When o PC mith o completed poem storts I
their tum. Jlnx nom nereoses by 1d10. I
simdtoneous^ if you mony plot
strends odro on^fthe same fme.
ant NPC or mar# hformdfcn cbout them eoch player ccn ensmer o quesfon anons the fet:
\ ii00/0 in '^>jr poem- ^if ^ *****ite shore 01 łrocbte ^
9. Uou eon c&free/ sMte out or r«urit6 ^ yatntmUOkytu v» ułUhescwn of^peers 4 elements d the end^j( o session if you thłnk they houe ewobed. \ M *
' tosed 1
the tdse elements of your poems. A plrde is ody os rch os their honor!
- Horn is this NPC both o potentid enemy for o PC 4 on ety for onother?
- Whd mekes tWs NPC memordote]
- Whd unusual type of poetry does tHs NPC procfce?
- WHch love. friend or rtod does this NPC share mtth the PO?
- Why does tHs NPC hdes or odores one of the PCs 4 not the others?