Calendar for Fair Events

Location of event: Pomorze and Kujawy Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Mini-kowo near Nakto

Cultural heritage of the region, traditional cuisine, organie products, presentation of landscape parks, horticultural exhibition and market, exhibition of fur animals and decorative fowl.

11 May or 18 May

REDYK (spring putting sheep out to pasture)

Śląsk Region Agriculture Advisory Centre in Częstochowa ul. Wyszyńskiego 70/126 42-200 Częstochowa, Poland tel. +48 34 377-01-00 fax +48 34 362-04-89 e-mail: red.czwa@odr.net.pl www.czwa.odr.net.pl

Location of event: Korbielów

Procession, traditional ritual of „joining sheep herds,” exhibition of dishes and other equipment connected with the Processing of sheep milk for cheese, tasting sheep milk products, performances of folk groups.

16-18 May

EKOGALA 2008 International Organie Food Fair

Office of the Marshal of the Podkarpackie Voivodeship ul. Grunwaldzka 15 35-959 Rzeszów, Poland tel. +48 17 850-17-80 fax +48 41 850-1781 e-mail: marszalek@podkarpackie.pl www.podkarpackie.pl

Podkarpacie Region Chamber for Organie Farming

Ekogwarancja PTRE ul. Wspólna 30 00-930 Warsaw, Poland

Location of event:

Regional Event and Sports Centre in Rzeszów, ul. Podpromie 10, Rzeszów, Poland

17-18 May

Agricultural and Flower Fair

Pomorze Region Agriculture Advisoty Centre Strzelino Department 76-200 Stupsk, Poland tel. +48 59 847-12-88 fax +48 59 847-12-81 e-mail: strzelino@podr.pl, targi@podr.pl Location of event: Strzelino

Breeding animals show. Exhibition, promotion and sales of agricultural machine-ry and equipment, means of plant and animal production, balcony and bed flo-wers. Consultancy with Pomorze Region Agricultural Advisory Centre’s experts, florist contest.


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Thank to thc Schachenniayr Company for ihcir helplul -»upport of this book, and for working thc clo

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