• Laboratory - the contents: Leaming of several bioinformatic tools, particularly services available via Internet. Portal of National Center for Biotechnology Information - databases: PubMed, PubMed Central, Books, Protein, Gens, Structure, OMIM and OMNIA. Database about enzyme - Brenda and protein structures - PDB. Metabolic pathways database - KEGG. Alignment of gens and protein seąuences (programs BLAST and Clustal). Construction and analysis of phylogenetic trees. Prediction of secondary (PredictProtein) and tertiary (SwissModel) structures of protein.
• Project - the contents: —
• Basic literaturę: „Bioinformatyka. Podręcznik do analizy genów i białek”
Baxevanis A.D., Ouellette B.F. red. / „Bioinformatics: a practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins” Baxevanis A.D., Ouellette B.F.
• Additional literaturę: -
• Conditions of the course acceptance/credition: reports and finał test.
* - depending on a system of studies
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