HW Pietrzak Holding
Sp. z o.o.
Odlewnia Żeliwa Kutno
Tel. +48 24 253 61 21 Fax +48 24 25465 79
firm renders also (uli technical counselling In foundry branch and our main object is (o build up trust for Hiittenes - Albertus Polska Sp. z o.o. as a reliable supplier.
Offered materials:
1. Binders for hot-box and warm-box process
2. Materials for cold-box process
3. Furan- phenol- and alkid- self-curing binders
4. C02 cured resol resins
5. Resins for alfa-set and beta-set process
6. Protective coatings for moulds and cores
7. Protective coatings for gravity and pressure dies
8. Separatora for all kinds of manufacturing process
9. Metalurgical additions for non-ferrous metal alloys
10. Pastes and glues for mould and core repairing
11. Lustrous carbon producers
12. Deslagging agents
13. Bentonite
14. Cereal binders
15. Exothermic risera, insulating wrappings and exothermic couerings
16. Slacking materials forwater glass and cold-box process
17. Inoculalion and nodularization alloys
18. Silica sand and chromite sand
19. Precoated sands
20. Cores madę using precoated sands and cold-box process
21. Refractories
Ouality Policy and Environment Protection:
Hiittenes-Albertus Polska is aware that trademark was united by customers with highest product quality and Professional attitude to customer, as well as environment friendliness reducing environmental interference. decreasing waste and using natural raw materials. We treat all our employees. suppliers and customers as a partnera. Qualifications of our employees and their devotion to work as well as proecologlcal and pro-qualitative consciousness may guarantee continuous improvement of Integrated Management System acc. to PN-EN ISO 9001:2009 and PN-EN ISO 14001:2005, granted to Hiittenes-Albertus Polska.
Odlewnia Żeliwa HW Pietrzak Holding Sp. z o.o, jest nowoczesnym zakładem wybudowanym na licencji japońskiej w latach 1972-1975, systematycznie modernizowanym dla osiągnięcia jakości produkcji odpowiadającej najwyższym standardom.
ul. Sklęczkowska 18 99-300 Kutno Prezes:
Sławomir Pietrzak Odlewnia produkuje odlewy w klasach EN-GJL-250, EN-GJL-200 ' EN-GJL-300 oraz sferoidalnego w klasie EN-GJS-400,500,600-7
Ciężar odlewów: 0,5 - 60 kg.
Posiadamy certyfikat TClV na system zarządzania jakością ISO 9001:2000
Tel. +48 (12) 26 18
ODLEWNICZA IZBA GOSPODARCZA Foundry Chamber of Commerce, Wirtschaftskammer fur Giesserei ul. Zakopiańska 73, 30-418 Kraków, Poland
571, Fax.+48 (12) 26 18 569,,