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Recenzent: Włodzimierz PRZYBYLSKI

A test stand for examining the wear processes in the refrigeration compressors

Key words

Examinations, refrigeration compressor, wear.


Taking into consideration the varying rules concerning the use of substances impoverishing the ozone layer some new refrigerating media are introduced to the refrigeration devices and the refrigeration installations. The moving parts of the refrigeration compressors are subjected to wear processes depending on a mixture of oil and a new refrigerating medium. As there is no universal oil for the refrigeration compressors at the moment, it was decided to examine an effect of the mixture of oil and the refrigeration medium on the refrigeration compressor elements wearing. In order to determine this effect a test stand for examining the wear processes in the refrigeration compressors was designed. The test stand was built as a real refrigeration system. The elements of that stand were selected in a way that provided a possible universality for different refrigerating media and different oils. On this stand some disadvantageous compressor operating conditions can be simulated. The most important element is a refrigeration compressor located in a dismountable housing. The dismountable housing makes a semi-hermetic operation of the compressor possible and allows the compressor to be replaced for performing the evaluation of the extent of wear of its moving elements.


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