Accountancy : Paper II - Advanced Cosi Accounting.
1) Q. No. I and 2 are compulsory. Attempt any four questions from ihe remaimng.
2) Oucstion No. I carrics 20 marks and all remaimng qucsdons carry 16 marks cach.
3) All Sub-question.s carry cqual marks unlcss spccificd lo tlić contrary.
4) Workings lo form part of thc Solutions and neccssary assumptions to be mado and statcd clearly
Ql. Sundei ntanufacturing company produccs 7500 units by utilising its 75% capacity,
Supplics you thc following cost Information: (2(0
Cost Information at 75% Capacity Utilisation (For 7500 units)
Purticulars |
Rs |
Direct Materials |
750000 |
Direct Labour |
600000 |
Direct Expcnscs |
300000 |
Factory CKcrhcads |
450000 |
Office Overhcads |
300000 |
Sclling Oserhcads |
1500(K) |
Additional Information:
a) Direct materiał, dirtet labour and dircct cxpcnscs arc variahlc cost
bl Factory overheads per unit incrcascs by 10% . if capacity utilisation goes down below thc 75% and deereases by 15% ii capacity utilisation goes up above the 75% . c) Ol licc ovcrheads arc tixed overhca<L>.
di Sclling ovcrheads per unit mereases by 20% if capacity utilisation goes down below 75% and dccrcascs by 25% if capacity utilisation goes up abovc thc 75%. c) It is thc policy of thc company to charge profit at 20% on sclling pncc.
You arc requircd topirpare a flc\iblc hudgel at 50% . 75% and 100% capacity utilisation .
Q2. (A) Choose the most appropriate alternative from those below and rewrite the sentence (8)
1. A budget that gives indication of purchases to be madę as derised front production ftgures is known as
1) Fixed Budget 3) Production Budget
2) Flcxiblc Budget 4) Purchasc Budget
2. Whcn thc variancc is duc to thc diffcncncc bctwccn actual ovcrhcad and applicd merhead. it is callcd as
1) Effective Variance 3) Spcnding V ariance
2) Touil Overhead Variance 4) Volume Variance
3. Under integrated system of accounting issue of indircct raw materiał for pnxluction is
1) Purchasc Account 3) Stores Lcdgcr Control Account
2) Work-in-Progress control Account 4) Works Overhcad Control Account
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