Paper / Subject Codę: 71613 / Accountancy : Paper II - Advanced Cosi Accounting.
4. Nonnal Loss is equal to
3) Actual Output Nonnal Output
4) Nonc of the abovc
1) Nonnal Output - Actual Output
2) Input x % of Nonnal Loss
5. Effcctivc Kilomctrcs
1) Runx Load
2) One way trip (lun) x Tnps per day x Days operated
3) Carciage Capacily X Usage Ratę
4) Takings x Distance of trip
6. This is csscntial to make the cost ledger *sclf- balancing*
1) General ledger adjustment Account 3) Work-in-progress ledger
2) Stores ledger control Account 4) Finished goods control Account
7. Contribution margin is also known as
1) Gross profit 3) Net profit
2) Eaming before tax 4) Marginal incoinc
8. When lixed costs inereases. the breakevcn point
1) Incrcascs 3)Decrcascs
2) No cffect > 4)Can’tsay
(B) State whether the following statements are tnie or false lK>
1) Under Integrated Account System Cost accounts and Financial accounts are maintained in separate sets.
2) Operating Costingmethod is uscd by manufactunng organisations.
3) MOS is always helów BEP.
4) Fixcd Budget rclcrs to budget for fixed assets.
5) Salcs budget providcs the nccessary input data for the Dircct Labour Budget.
6) Labour Cost Yariance is lurther divided into Labour Yield Variance and Labour Ratę Variance . s
7) Costs Accountant in employment can be a Cosi Auditor.
8) Incicase in price leads to lower Margin of Safety .
Q3. Kala Automobilcs distnbutes its goods to a rcgional trader using a single lorry. (I6»
The tradefs premises are 40kms a way by road. Tlić lorry bas a capacity of 10 tonnes and makes the joumcy lw ice a day fully loadcd on the oulward joumcys and empty on return joumcys.
You are given dala for 4 weekly periods during the year 2018.
Petrol consumption 8kms per litre Petrol cost Rs 13 per litre
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