lt Has beon elghty years sińce 1938, a year that had an |
Theexpulsion ofPolisli |
he buming |
exlstential impact on ihe Jews ol Germany and Austria, |
ofsynagoguesandmas. |
9th of |
on Europę, and on the world. Prior to 1938, Jews |
Novembersignaled T-~ |
j the |
in Germany experlenced (ive years of antisemitic |
Initiation In early Der |
crtransport, an |
propaganda, prolessional discrimination, and Increasing |
effort that ultima! |
rildren. A majority |
encluslon Irom all levels ol society. In 1938, thls exclusion |
oftheir parem |
iiocaust |
became almost total, and the National Soclallsts |
. | |
Elghty yea |
w does one grasp | |
launched a campalgn ol wldespread, systematic violence againsl Jews, |
the mixt |
- victims |
oftheN |
lookatthe | |
By Ihe end ol 1937, a quarter ol Germany's Jews had |
letter: |
■rmanJews |
escaped, but the Anscliluss In March ol 1938 exposed |
and th |
irchives |
another 200,000 Jews In Austria to new levels of vlolence |
and tl |
eo Baeck |
and discrimination, wlilch dramatically escalated the |
Instit |
alendar |
relugoe crlsls. Measures agalnst Jews that had taken five |
Wlth |
1938. |
years in Germany were implemented quickly In Austria. |
k§The: | |
The world community was slow and reluctant to recognize |
and t |
asthey |
the plight ol the Jews and did llttle to provlde help. The only |
strugt |
to |
major International effort was an lnitlative by President |
survive | |
Roosevelt in July ol 1938, when governments Irom around |
describ. |
lel 1 |
the world met in £vian-les-Balns at Lakę Geneva. Thelr |
a broad cc | |
attempt to increase opportunltles for the refugees falled, |
Forthisr |
1 the 1938 |
and the crlsls soon worsened when the Germans invaded |
calend |
posted at |
the Czech borderlands In October. |
1938| |
ms. i |
L3\ '
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