Saekwang Nam



Sweat Softens the Outermost Layer of the Humań Finger Pad: Evidence from Simulations and Experiments

Ham ard Katherin# J. Kuch#n6oc1r

Htętoc tnte2Qeoce Dopartmoa!. Ptinck Insatuie for totefcgent Systems

Flnlte Element Model

The sottn#s# of human ftnp#r padł f«ndor$ highły    ot grasplng o6)2cU

Mow much does the swrat wwtW bom M Kun soft#n the inger pad?

II« not fcasibic to mcchancefty test n v2vo slon to utocrstand the prcperbes ot 2># stratum corneom layer tostead. wo Infer the itratum coc ncuma properttos by Mtnj a tn2e etement model to particulir correct data. We thtn compore the optlmlaed materia! propenie2 for dry. nahrU. and mc2t Inger2

Research Process


1    0#1gn tor th# lng#r pr#1ng KmUabom « CO^SOC _«


•    Ocr#no»2m#r«m»»rorm10r#<SOACr3«peMU2 b#hv##n r# v>9#c «rd ta {M<u pOA#

•    «Y©»«vjc1j Vecorr#c<#r««#ndeer«mieMorce#l#ech •3 pMtoi cr N fcrjM boa

- Th# oo#ao#r##im>c Keten b#h»##n is» lng#r p#d #nd to# 2"

gaMpUA#wMMn»tdior«a#e«#^#o#Kfi(iouehPł    W,"-M

2    #iod#<: On# l#cm Ogd#n mod#f

•    w-£ur 2/T 2JT-U■2#»•1«#t3-2|4) w#i«d22#«<4(?>tyce******

•    Botot»««fr4lumco«aw2end2»r#Mof r2 V>Q#r tam# toto2 »«• hyp«

Paramotor Optimlzation

W# Morcfod tor oę&~2x«J y vato#s th2» protode ta mnm«m m#2n tooared #rror |MSC) b#hw#en th# ston/etod and m#etur#d data by r#peaftng the s^rotaion 2eh de«r#m comfcwator2 ot #K and ^.

Th# opamoed v2to#s o2 th# thear modjtoa tor eech bitu# typ# (Kretom corrxvm re#t oł W>g#ł) produce a r#lafconihp txe»e#n the imtatod correct af#a a^J »a normai tero# ctose to th# ttUacmhe fcxnd m th# m#aur#d data.

The e2vaet#d ccmbrnatons (hk-M#/) repreient t» aohosa of th# t#K#d fnp#r to th# dy. raiurai. anj »0d« Kaaea

i Apco-atosltl

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lorc4pt^fMlw<acfif«a irwearM toai


2 Eip#rm#m2

•    TM Kt^cl n    ^ ITYWM N2 OP h#p lAJ^ ^

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As# Ol »1 taft re#. l«e#r

Th# tog2 pr#M#s la ptadpm «p to 1 .$ N «nd ton Mb e1

Th# rao2fcr# Ol re vig#r 4 <n#»ms#e #01r Ahu##n»jeioc» co^)#to3c«t<2ay#4Sim##.p#rto2wQ orewecfcei iStoabtotMcncrfwe^ftiunnoafcseconsfton2

1. Oiy ftoger

•    btoen(ro2tfa#v2u# 302

•    >iK #aotokf2#

•    Mjr oasiu2#

2 tafty* ftng*



«eai2 ip*

. 1.124 kP#

3 Modllrto#r

•    ttlttkP*

•    ti,, OMkp#

•    Th# (totrcK# mean moćiture vatoes re^jeed dflerent shear modufc to 2eh2v# a good fu to e2penmer2ai data

•    Th# modt ftnp#r pad haa higher correct aree than the oTor ino fmger condrtons at the sam# normai lorce.

•    The stratom com#um ot re most bng#r o mdced KgnfcantJy sotter o2x - J2.tSSkP2) tfvan th2 ot the sam# finptr v%hen <tsłnanaturalo2K • 6bJi2kpj)ordry bK • eaotoihj) itate.


•    Each raw correct image ts transtormed to eetmate the mage rot the camera wc2rfd see it A was posrfcncd perpendcuUr to the gtass pfato


   The raw deu consdt ot une-stacfced i^gerpont imago2 and the wrwcntog normai lorce measuremerfci

•    The two data soutoes are sync2rori»d «2h one another based cn tm# ttamps


•    Otobei threshcfdng and then tocai adaptwe rresho»<$ng on each image prodoce binery mapes. prov2dng t2e reaf łnjor correct ar2a |2J.


•    The gros2 correct area is całcutatod by oxoractng the corrze2 hol of the potefts constoered to be in contact


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