AM-5217 ( Total Mark* 100

Con 5220-10

( 3 Mours )

N B. (1) Attempt all questions

(2) Figurcs to the rlght md«cate fuli marks

1 Answer *n ono sentence -






(a) What * tho moaning of Wołfansm ? iŁL- S; j'.o 0<oy s Ihroo postutatcs of Ruk? of RuW; What i* lho Doctnne of ultra Vlre*' 7 v What i* an Instituhonal decision' ? Defme Delogated Legistabon \'\v Siatę two functions of the Control Vigilance Commission *"" Which are the sources of Adrmnistrative Law ’ \\W What ts a quasi-judkoa! function 2 \'V What i* official btas “>

State the ground* lot eidution of principtos of Natural jułhce ^

& 20

2    Wnte short notę* (any four) of the foltowing —

Sovereign and non-sovere«gn function A)o) Right to Information Act

(c)    A K Kraipak Vs Uruor of India

(d)    Functions of the Union Public Sorvice Commission JejT Dro-t Admimstratif

Form* of Dolcgation

3    Solve (any two) of the foltowmg    ^>12

(a)    A Regional Engmeenng College madę admissions of candidates on basis of orał intennew after a written test The marks aftocated for ora) test wcre one-third of tne total marks THis admision procedurę was challenged by one candidatc as arbntrary action

(0 Ooes allocation of one third mark* of tho total marks for orał tost yioiato any legał prowsion 2 Explam (u) Wnte the jodgement m Ihe above casc

(b)    In one casc. tho pct&oncr was appomted as an honorary Peed-atnc-an m a Drstnct • Hosp>tal through Selecton Board Hts appomtment was susoended because of

an mtenm stay granted by the Lokayukta on a compłaint fiłed before him by one of the camdates for the post The petttioAef fiied a wnt petition under Article 226 chaUengmg the Lokayukta * action

Exptam vyhether the Lokayukta ha* junsdiction to rev>ew the appointmont (u) Siato on what ground* a Lokayukta can tako aclion under the MiiharołMra Lokayukta and Up Lofcayukra * Act 1971

(c)    A firm >80’ was carrying on business of sale and distnbution of lubricants *ince 18 years Tho Indian 0»l Corporation a Government Company who supp ed materiais to firm ABC . suddenly stopped the suppiy of matenals Firm ABC filod a petition for wnt of mardamus. but the High Court dimrssed it The Indian Oii Corporation argued that the dlspute fen m the realm of contmct and hence the pefiten cs not maintamabte Firm ‘ABC ha* now appropached the Supromo Coud

(i) I* the Indian Od Corporation subject to wnt jurisdicbon 7 ExpUnn

(u) I* a contractual actwty ot dlspute subject to ruto of law 7 Explain wrth legał

proviS<ons    ( TU.nN OVER


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