Di;,I'.\rtmi;.nt Oi; Cl-1J. Iłu )!.<)( ;y l- \. t»m ()i- Iłurri-.i i in( >i <Hiv, |ac.ii:lujnian Univi:rsiiy ui.. <. i iu >n< )s iw u >\v \ 7.30-387 Kraków, Poi_\nd

Zbigniew Madeja, Pli.D.    02.03.2005

Associate Professor Department ol* O cli Biology.

Faculty of Biotechnology,

Jagiellonian Unicersity. ul. Gronostajowa 7 30-3S7 Kraków. Poland

To u lioin ir may concern

Letter of recommendation

Mr Adam Master accomplished his biological studies at the Jagiellonian Univer$ity and obtained M.Sc. degree under my scienti fic supenósion in Department of Celi Biology, Faculty of Biotechnology in 2001. During his studies, Mr. Adam Master accomplished all obligatory and several outstanding optional courses. Since the beginning of 2000, he has been working within the scientific project concerning the effect of homotypic cell-to-ccll contacts on the motility of cancer cells. The experiments he performed. which included time lapse analysis of celi movements and cylometry, have resulted in a preparation of M.Sc. thesis entitled “Contact-mediated acceleration of migration of melanoma B16 cells depends on extracellu!ar calcium ions”. The results of his work were published in Folia Biologica in 2001

Mr Adam Master belongs to very consequent and strongly motivated for scientific research young scientists. He is very good in experiments requiring manuał skill, precision and intellectual concenttation. Adam spent 2 ycais as a student in our lab, which allowed my co\vorkers and myself to apprcciate his intelligent approach of scientific problems. He was very good and hardworking student and loyal person to his colleagucs and teachers.

I am surę that Adam Master will be able to undertake research work in experimental biology. Therefore I recommend him as a very good candidate for work or Ph.D. studies in any biological laboratory.

Zbigniew Madeja

Dk /.iu(;niiavM.u)i:|a i' MAII.: ZlUl(/ł)M< tl..ll|.l-:i>U.IM. Tl i.: *4H I2 6f.4t.142


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