Marek Sitarski
underlines the interpretative problems related to the tenns „green areas” and „woodlots” in their current wording.
The differences between definitions of these two terms used in various legał acts and reports in Poland presented in the article point to an urgent need to unify their meaning. If the current situation is not remedied, it will lead to hampered efficiency of protection and development of such areas. This is particularly important with the issue of green areas and woodlots becoming a priority factor in the plans developed by European cities. Ho-wever, despite the generał agreement of urban planners and researchers as regards the importance of these areas for urban development processes in the 21st century, as of yet there has been little success in creating a com-mon definition of the so-called „green infrastructure” in the cities of the EU. This obstacle has been confirmed by the research carried out under the project: The European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research (COST-Action). (Konijnendijk et al., eds., 2005)
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