I. Prezentacja kursu: treści programowe, warunki uzyskania zaliczenia, ctc.
2. Presem Simple, Present Progressive, statc verbs Grammar for First Certificate s.l-S
3. An interview with a university student: słuchanie, A letter about how people from different countries spęnd their holidays: pisanie Grammar for First Certificate s.6-7
4. Past Simple, Past Continous, used to, would Grammar for First Certificate s.5-13
5. A musician is discovered: reading, A story: writing Grammar for First Certificate s. 14-15
6. Present Perfect and past Simple Grammar for First Certificate s. 16-21
7. Me and my clothes: reading Grammar for First Certificate s.22-23 A letter of application: Grammar for First Certificate s.25
8. Past perfect Grammar for First Certificate s.26-33
9. Futurę 1 (present tenses for futurę, will, futurę continuous): Grammar for First Certificate s.35-41 Exam practice: listening, writing Grammar for First Certificate s. 42-44
10. Futurę 1 Exam practice: listening, writing Grammar for First Certificate s. 42-44
11. Futurę 2(going to, futurę in the past, present after time adverbs, futurę perfect, to be about to Grammar for First Certificate s. 45-51
12. Futurę 2 Exam practice, Grammar for First Certificate s.52-55
13. Adjectives(comparative and superlative adjectives, position, order, adjectives ending in -ing and -ed) Grammar for First Certificate s.56-61
14. Adjectives Exam practice: reading, writing Grammar for First Certificate s. 62-63
15. Omówienie wyników nauczania w drugim semestrze, ewaluacja zajęć
L. Hashemi, B. Thomas Grammar for First Certificate, Cambridge University Press, 2011
M. Vince, First Certificate Grammar Workbook, Heinemann, 1990 Literatura uzupełniająca:
P. Aspinal, M. Duckworth, E. Peel Success at First Certificate Practice Tests 2 Oxford University Press, 1991