Lesson 1

New Words and Concepts

•    Variables

•    Constants

•    Squared

Meet the Lab Gear®

In this lesson, studenta explore the collcctious of Ijib Gcar.

organi/.ing the seta into groups of likc blocks. This is the first

look at the hlocks that will be used throughout the program.

Teaehing theIdea

1.    Give cach pnir of st udenta a box of Lab Gear hlocks. Say. Group blocks that are alike together. (Studenta should find I-I difTer-cnt kinds of hlocks, though thore is only one X3 and one y*.) If you havc an interactive whiteboard or documenl camera, use it to lead the discussion. (Froin here on out, the words “on the scroen" will be used to refer to this.)

2.    Say, Guess the names for the three yellow blocks. (If neccs-sary, tell them that the smallest ono is called "1.” For the other two, mention that counting can help. After they have both bcon named. show that the “25" could have been figured out by multi-plying length and width. Place the błock in the comor piece, witli a "5" to measure cach side, nnd explain thnt we have livo times five unita. or five squarcd.) This is the first nppearance of the area model for multiplication, a key concept in this lesson, nnd in this book. We will return to it in morę dopth slnrting in Challenge 6 and Lesson 9.

4. Guoss the names for the other blue blocks. (Thesc are harder to guess. The most likely correct guesses are for 5r and 5y. Tell the studenta they will soon leam the names of the other ones.)

ASgatifa Lab Goar Basic Algabra O Oidoi, I O


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