Ił Tlm*ł N*w*. T«rtn r»IU- l<Uh« TL«ł<My. S«p<amt»/ IJ, l»M    T

Butz challenges

Fund grous

cNew^ischer looming

rMcGovern claims

WASHINGTON < UPI) - Agrł-cwlturc Secrolory E**l I- Buti challanged Georgc S. McGovem Monday U> protluce o "ahred cf wktonce" tlut n#*y grom dealer* got Inslde Infc-rmuUcn ennblinj; (hem to pcoftt ot U* ezpensc of U-S coruumcca and farmer* In a mas*lvo grata »nlc to Rwwto - —•

Duli accuacd the DcmocraUc ftgaslłlmllidiuiaiiiKŁOliillcfloC-

beforo Uiey leamed order* by Moscow wcrc tlrlvlrtf up U.S. prtce* iind almulUnccuily ro-sultlnr. In • cul Irulhc autaldy piyrncnt rato for grower*.

At Id* sccond new* confcr-coce In Uircc day» to countor M<Bovcrn charge* about tlio wny Ihc ruj minia kation hondkd tha gmin dcal.-Biits Midi----

*•1 appcnl pubtldy to Mc-GutmJhlL d be hnt n ahred

"a bald-faccd Ue" In suggcalłng of cykkncc to back up hlw M fi

Aprtl but that the public duln‘t flnd out until July.

Dutz sald Mffuby he wanted to re^cmphoalzc hto Saturdny demand. "Agato I cali for a Public retroction of hia hałd-faceci Ile." he sald.

"H© lMcGovem) responded by repouting them (the char-gea).-ł therefore mustrooctadr thot hU pcraonal and potłtlcal ■Jnoihlcrf-jirr. to- unAirruLiiifa. ale and our-dfeeto 1a Amprayc

K0X000 lUPII - Thr Miner*' Memoriał EducaUoa Fund U neartng the IIM.MO mirk.

The fund was ttarted to help eduetto the approilmately tCO cblldrea lefi fatherlect wheo II men dted In the Suwhlne Mlne flre near bero May t.

II. F. MflgatMoa. tmitee cf the fund, lald the tofal atandi at IW.1W today.

Mpgwuaoa sald there wm ao actual goal for the fund eicepf to help pay for the cducating of the rhi:dren.

Price hikes asked

WASHINGTON (UPD-Tho Prieo Commioloo will open UByi~0f

charge*, I want U on rccord bcforc Thuradny."

Tłist La when o IIoum. aubcomfnlttoc łs tcłiedulod to opon hcnrlnga on the hugc wic. wWch to Mld to bmount alrcody to a qunrt*r of the enUrc IV72 US>uł.cot crop.

Hu U Iftuiod a atrcr.g. new defeme of Pnlrnby, a former asslstunt iccrctary wfco partlcl-patod In curly stugc* of (be MgatlftUoftS wllh Itussłn and Uicn qult to jpln a.prlvoto

that Dutz and M former Bgrłctdlurc offtctal worked out dctoiU Ihrcc moothft beforc tbc ngreenwnt wat onnounced.

-TIms ot ber afflcfal, Oareficc D. Paltoty. %ubwqoeody • left the dcfurtznent and took ii top

C willi cne of the compnidcs otvnl łn Uic grain sale*

In a reliłted dmhpmeat. the National Auocuticr. of Wbeat G rower* callrd on Hulz to resiore W miltton to $23 -millton to govnrnmcnt pay.

-menlT^htrh-tt-aiihl-w-ould be- trading firm 1«V lo farmer* Ucmisc oł the Buli aoid on Saturdny he wny Uio-salesfffacfcd the farm - oskod—McGmern to rctract • patyTformol*. '    "unfounded and Inaccurate"

Caat-Wcat rrlnUorw."

Mr^ovcrn, In oAiltion_to

cłiarglng tlial farmera and conaumora loat becauoe of accrccy In the graln dral. atoo had roforrrd to qiK*sDonf raland about the movcment of govem-ment offlclala. Induding Palm-by. to penfe In prlvatc graln firma.

hPHTlnRi todar


nvcrage tocroote of 191.32 on ito 1173 model*.

-‘Oiherprłee lnerewaoee<|U4aU

NEW YORK (UPI)—Dobby Flachęr plnra to crpand hia monaaUc llfc-atyłe to Ind udo o car, a homo to Southern* CaUfomła and moro datca with girl* now lliat ho U worki dioaa* championi life mogaiine rc-ported Sundny.

But no chango will dlmlntih (ho poaUlon ot cheu as the moat Unporlant thtng in FU-cbcr'a bfc. the magazlne aold.

"Wlmt I really want to do li cncouroge respect faricheaa.Fischer wa* guoted aa tolltog Ule-faat woek - to.I toy k Javik. -Iccland. "Cheas master* ahould play under auperb condUtona

łkyeareild bachelor aald. Tho "In tove ai to che**. Flacher magózłne w Id aonto of FU- U fua*y about playlng condl-chcr’a frientls arc bettlng he llcej," Ufo utd. "Ho llke* Uli will be morrlcd włthto a yoar. glrU with eicellent flgurea.

Experiment in Pleasure#5

toto rćq«c*taT}y ralao the prlcca of 1073 modela frcmMt to 1140 penmodel......

Saturday. the Prtce Commla-■łon told Chryiler Corp. It could not raue ito Aew car price* on an Interim baito until the govenuncnt dccidcs what the ftnaJ lncrcaac-lf ony-ahould bo

Oirysler had nskcd'foc on

iwYruwirmwifirGCTCTflr Motor*, Ford Motor Co.. American Motor* and Jnterna • Uonal łfanrettor.

The automakera have repre-•entod die price incrcasca aa necenaary to coror costo Uuit will be Incurred by lmprovc-mento to fneet aafety. bumper and emiulon conirol atondard* requłred by fedcrol law.


"^'hate\*er Mul|nmmad AU goto, neit tlme I want moce!" ho added. v**>lłi a grlnIJfe tuld the firat thtng Fischer probabiy will buy with hia manty !s a Mercedes and the nezt o housę or apartment to Southern Ditlforr.ln "Now that Fm champion Fm golng to aee morc glrla." the

midlfinUir.ibiih uimrulu.nnun.

in your soul. try.a/cwdropsol Rarc Scoich willi your gin.instc.id of vcuno;ilh The rcsult iv

on-thc oK-ks. of coursc. is callcd "Purc Plćas-urc.’* (orl»hvious reasom.

For )MT f#ee iAn łirtp# folder or n F*p<rlmenr« to rirasine. wrtlr: 1'aildingtoB Corp.; AiUrrlhtoc l)rpt.; 6J0 I tfih A»r.; New York. N.Y. IOU20

, GrodTera iiffcctod arc thoac who sold tiiclr 1077 wheut

charge* t)iat Dutz and P«imby nefSOKlatod thr agreement to

4Spy squad’

front & center:

—f*ofu/ina o difft^ani tfaffk VafUy bui>n••• woali fy.

R«od »n o*«i 71.000 ho/1^0% Co%H-Itn iHon •». onrdillk ol o p«n*|r po# homo ro odvo»ti9« yov» to#vKo o# p#odu<« \    •

Coli 733-0931 todoy fo* on od-moii.

WASHINGTON (UPII -For-mrr Ccmmerce Secrttory Mau-jict H. Stan* waa aceuied Mendoy ot poylng a "poUOcal esplonaic aqutd" to *py on Democrata out ot Prcaldent Ntzon'a compalpi fumb and deatroylng rocorda to hldc U.

The Democratlc Party inodc the charge to amendtog It* ccmplatot to a cłvil tuli ■gro®tog out of the Wotcrgatc buggtog toddent ond Increaaed ,lto demand for damogtt from »1 młlUcn to 13.2 mllbon

---to po per* flled with the U.S.

DUtrtct Ceurt. the UemocraU aald Stan*, now flnoncc chalr-man of the Commłttce to Re-Elact the Prcaldent. •rmbarked uper. a coospłracy" with a number of ofhera to the aprtog to art up the apy cperatlon Siars auppbcd the money to _ftoer.ee oumbtr of illcgal cnt/lea" at Uie Wotorgate cfflcea cf the Democratlc National Commlttoe -tociudtog the one Junc_17 to whieb (lve mdi were nabbed with what polłce -have descrlbed oa bugglng cqulf*hent. the popera charged -Th#

apy rtog mai rcwnslbJc for. wtretap* on the phones of top party officloU and an attempt-

ed rald on the preiidentlal campalgn offlce* of Sen^ GeorgeS McGovern.

SUna* nome haa frequently te en menttonod to cennccUcn with what haa como to be known aa the ••Wotergate Capcr" and the Howaa Banking Commłttce, cooductlng IU own toveitlgatlon ot the Incldent. Aikod Stan* to oppear Thur*-day. But tawyera for the former cablnel offftdol told the commłttce • tbey had edvUed Stan* not to oppear

Commlttoe Chalrman Wright Patman. D-Tci. rc*pcnded that "a high level decitlon ha* obvloualy been mado to eon-tlnue a maaaive cover-up" of the affalr.

Dcfnocrata alio edded alz co-defendont* In the auli —two Nlzon re-electlon commłttce*. Siana, and three men who allcgodly conapLred .with Mm. They werc Hugh W. S3oon Jr.. treaaurer of the campalgn commłttce until lait July; G. Gorden Uddy. the commłttce ccwniel and former Wbite I kuse aide wto «u flred when talk to-lho FBl-obouttho cusc. and E. Howard llunt Jr.. o former HOtFa-day Wbite House eon sułtani

P    * o

B.palrs — Re.indini No Motor Teo lorfo or Smali


111 $. tac«h. lwia.


- — AaFfe* Jt*o~io —


491 Moln.    110-59*1

urv«tfibiukilUairn*v.tr IU/rmc-i*łflCy#(lił.

first-in experience, salos & service


•    ioac4i lamumi

•    uni im* a miwb —

•    ioou a im

•    un i iw cdutauneio


3 a**»»m.1>00 fl .|V t*«h A« U- A« $1} 000 00 •••u h#w%*    o.i.v«,,d a

S#» A fiMtiKsd «n V«o» Uf IWiuk H*»l A C+m-

►’••• rtumkUg. Łorr.pl.. («n U

•••n of C*Hti U DMHin.' .

Mel Carter, D««ter

1*1114^ AN.Iiii* MMIII



OM« M PaPPC* . BMM*no (Ml *o«



tAliar M6*4KTI

Manila battle leayes 2 dęad

MANILA tUPI>-A pollce aargoaat ąnd a auspactod.

A pollćc team doputchcd to Hm hm .v waa ggdiaL In


Moolat guerrillo werc kllfed

Xy in n gun battle bctwccn ond an arrnrd band Celievcd oo a mlsakn to blow up o major otl depot to a Manila toburb to Uic UteU cf a aeric* of Oommanist terrorłsl attarkj łn the metropohUin

The LeftSer of the auspectcd Maclst New lYcpJcs Army. < N PA) ~ cummanda bnrnt was klllcd In the gunbuttle with pollce In a twu-story houur ju*l a few yords from the bach of the Mobil 011 petrokam datnp.

The gunflght at Pamfacnn lollowed laformatka that NPA gucrrir.il* were hoted up In the


gunflre that klllcd S|^ lk*n)a-min de Leon. The guerrllln was klllcd when poUcc return ed the flre.

The "petrokum dump la locatcd on o mer bank. alccg with oil depo U óf Gaiły OH. Faso Phlllppfnoa, SheU. Cal tez and Fpolt-GuU Oli, ord odjolną o rcałdcntlal area In Manila'*' Pandncon dlstrkt.

One of lho guorrilfa* aacapod. Si* other suspected Maoi*U were Capturcd abourd a Jeep en routc to Pandontn and herc hcld at Uic natknął pollce heodquartera Police sotd they were belng heU on auspicton of plannlng to blow up the cfl depot.

lOUir OfUMO Wot.f

r- nu mui ■» [324-4801J

or 324.8390


• tsaie eupirooD utw?

Ift_MA»W AVI |


I U 7 4rr Mn | • UmiBmH BIMcih9ki

kjfioM Shee Rtpie

Do««n*«Mi HviIm* • Oo«me^>

Co* Cof»%



u *4

W# Oo <X. O-r /Ko TC«rfo«r; *o (W W.^<

Comploio Floor Covcring


F63 Add*«on Av# W

JU 4900


•    MOBHE MOfsC

lot* C»*m

- . tWadteArniw_ _



• AUK>nM*tsm«



s in agam

WASHINGTONA UPI) • -Starttog.ncft tętring. If thr

•    llouae Approprlatlona Ccenmlt-taa hJL* Its way, W wtll be baęk to the kltchen-for Ola, whoaa UmaJKflored KP dutlea ha\*e baan all but abollahed.

Alao, under an edlct by the

— enmmlttoa Ma«di>Al<n# rank-. tog enllatad men agaln woułd ba aaah to aome old famillar

•    poaturta —plcklng ip clgaratla botta. trimmlng grosa and

—wiking thtłr brracla.------#-

r, Tht ormed forcea,. whlch

__haw:been Wring rtVflUn* ja^

Uke ovef tocae chołe*l#wan!ed 1264 nilllton thia year to compiete the tronaitlen. The* apprcęr lat tona commłttce pro-v1dod hall Uita amount. and loki 0M ' Defeme Department to wipd up tho program by nczt Aprtl 30.

The commlttoe to a report on Its actlon aald It favora • "clvlltonltttkn,' to the mlllla-ry, whorever practlcol Dat % hk Ing cłzlliana.to U kr outr KP and bult d^ty U gotog too far. to Uia cdmmlltaa’1 opmion.


•    -OOVH’ •••*

•    #%n« o^n#

•    C0WAT1 • IM«0« • MMJ

•    IwNtł • 04 • BO*M • U>Oi<

•    urn • m <0M-twu* *»a

wre paui




(m» r«a U> 4.*łM UŁm M

Scrving Moo« Vollejr *in<o 1950. Cuslorn floors of Ido^o. locatcd 1 mile cott of Sholby'* on“7t'd* IRWJWtfifue Eołtr Ił^hc -mott complerc floor covering batines* m the Mogic Valley Ray Bross oncł Albert Kump.-ownofi. cocry only lho finosł famous bronds in the floor covenng induitry. Corpct by Bageiow, Irend, Firth. Columbus. Bcrven of Coliformo. ond Onte. Linoleum ond hlo by Armstrong ond Congoleum. For-’ ( mico brond lommoted plocie. Bigelow Karpo* Koro producfi. At Custom Floor*. you will fmd tho w»do3t leloction of oll typoa of corpetihg — wool, nylon. Acrilon,. mdoor-outdoor ond kil-chon corpot in hundrods ol color*, tosluro*. .-#ppf!cm2A or\ć in oll .price. fanooL.. CuMom Floori of Idaho i* a homo ownod. KomiTop-eroled ontprprljc whoto Iow overhcod mokos

p09wblc”7hc loirnH prjcei^ on tho Kighoit gualily. motofiofa ond    oyoloblg ony-

whore. Ovcr 20 ycort of »orvico ond o*ponohcó in bUymg for the noedł ond dosirot of Mogic

Valfoy peopler A~ztałf of e*pofinnco*-men in--

stoli, ropoir, efeon corpots. ond show floor covcnng somptos ol your homo os woli os give Information ond esfimotes. Cuslom Floors of Idoho is a member of Bigelow^ Corpel Cloon-ing Instituto. Thoir rocont oddition of o corpot cleanmg focility occommocjofe* fho 'lorgest corpot for profossionol clooning with Bigolow's , Karpot Koro cleanmg system. In your homo rug clooning also. Comploto do*it*yoursolf supplios. Slop*in ond tolk:io Royor Al todoy about your . . floor covoring noods.





All tho supplies ond oquipment for tho Dolt-Yourłolfor or Exf>ert Sorwcomon _*o_do it for you

CUSTOM Floors of Idaho

A44IM* sv«’| U. 73J-S474




TOS tla««U. J»»a«


Country and Wotfrn

-i -Tłmoh *1    ---





lSI7Kl»nW«ly Rd 733.179*


!•    II. II

f*.    »uku#oi


' t9*i>0 o.t0*f<h*ś tlMh







Idoho Hide A lolłow-

.V'"**# W Mw»< v..»v,


1 Business lolfers

i Progroms Inter ONicrf orm*


!<■ * MglWWa ■-T. ■■

OU/CK . -COPMJJ&f jrrtrrtfj?

f NOF/Coj i - # Pomindori Chorh • Poiion I SlallOntly

UA I4.U >4— (MII I

* ’* 1 " f

No S*an<il Na<#Mory 1 J . Brlng In Yaur Orlglnol |



Mbtf —Oby

a i — >ł

tutniiFisrr Caaaca Janka •MI latali

-    733 *0*3

r UW kwi 711414)


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