Test B Q
5 Uzupełnij zdania, wstawiając must lub mustn’t oraz odpowiednie nazwy czynności z ramki.
| come home eat go out watch | Example
You must eat some breakfast before you leave.
1 You on your bike.
It’s raining.
2 You early tonight.
Dinner’s at 6.
3 You _ television
tonight. You’ve got a test tomorrow.
1 He went by piane to Europę.
2 He visited 13 countries.
3 He went to Europę and India.
4 Dave met Jenni in Australia.
5 She drove him across Australia.
6 The journey took 3 years.
7 Napisz o długiej podróży, którą kiedyś odbyłeś/aś. Napisz:
- where did you go?
- how did you go?
- did you enjoy the journey? Why (not)?
6 Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz, czy zdania 1-6 są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).
In Tune 1170, !bave Kunfft started a journey round tke uorld. But" ke didn't 30 by car, ar boat, or tram. Łave ujalKed. Tke only -form of transport ke used u*as a piane, to fly across tke sea from America to Europę, from India "to Australia, and frnally -from Australia bacK to tke USA. Tke rest o-f tke journey, across 13 countries, ujas on foot - -for a total of 33,13.0 kilometres, and 33 patrs of skoes. TV journey uas difficult and sometimes dangercus. But tkere ujere some ^ocd moments, too. In Australia be met a sckoolteacker called lenni. Ske decided to kelp Łaue. Łaue uzalKed, and lenni droue in ker car uiitk all Ławe/s tkings uJken Łave arrWed bacK. m tke USA in 117^ ke and Tenni ^ot marrted.
Dave walked round the world. T
8 Posłuchaj i zakreśl poprawne odpowiedzi.
The new girl's name is ^^Emma. b Helen, c Debra.
1 She was born in
a London, b Cardiff. c Oxford.
2 She was born in
a 1988. b 1989. c 1991.
3 Her birthday is on September. a 5th b 6th c 15th
4 Her class is
a 3A. b 4D. c 4A.
5 The bus takes minutes. a 5 b 10 c 12
6 It stops the school.
a near b outside c opposite
Total CUD
English Zonę 3 Tests