page 38

page_38 < previous page page_38 next page > Page 38 3. The New Empire The forty-year period that embraced the reigns of Itzcoatl and Moctezuma witnessed the birth of the Aztec Empire. The aim of this work is not to offer yet another narrative of events between 1428 and 1519, but rather to analyze those aspects of the Aztec polity that help to explain its spectacular achievement. In this and the next chapter the more basic motives that underlay Aztec triumphs will be examined. Thereafter their political and economic organizations will be considered, followed by the purely military factors involved, a subject that is less often treated. In conclusion, the question will then be raised how far they were impelled by any spiritual urge or ideology. The Grab for Land Itzcoatl might logically be named as the true founder of the empire. The role of this notable ruler was, however, rather different. His first task was the overthrow of Azcapotzalco. Thereafter he devoted his energies not to long-range conquests but to the consolidation of the Mexica state and to the recovery of former Tepanec domains reluctant to change new masters for old. As we have seen, the chinampa cities of Culhuac�Ąn, Mízquic, Xo- � < previous page page_38 next page >


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