Appendix A
1. Background as the JTF commander. As such, corps play
a key role in translating the broad strategic
Corps are the largest tactical units in the and operational objectives of higher echelons
US Army the instruments by which higher into the specific and detailed tactics used to
echelons of command conduct maneuver at achieve those objectives.
the operational level.
2. Corps Structure
a. Functions.
The US Army tailors corps for the theater
and mission for which they are deployed.
(1) Corps plan and conduct oper-
There is no standard organizational
ations in consonance with other elements of
structure of a corps. The following discussion
the joint force to achieve campaign objectives.
highlights types of combat, combat support,
and CSS organizations that may comprise a
(2) Corps integrate available Air
corps. Figure A-1 outlines a notional corps
Force, Navy, and Marine combat, combat
support, and CSS forces into tactical
operations. This includes joint efforts in
a. Divisions/Attached Maneuver Bri-
intelligence, target acquisition, target attack,
gades. A corps normally fights from 2 to 5
EW, and SEAD.
divisions. Divisions are fixed-combined arms
organizations capable of performing any
(3) Corps collect intelligence,
tactical mission and are largely self-
anticipate enemy activities and intentions,
sustaining. The corps may also command
and plan future operations a minimum of 72
and control 1 or more attached maneuver
hours out.
brigades (e.g., light infantry, air assault).
b. Armored Cavalry Regiment. The
(4) Corps plan and conduct deep and
rear operations to support close operations. armored cavalry regiment (ACR) consists of
organic air and armored cavalry units
supported by organic field artillery, air
(5) Corps plan and conduct deception
defense, engineer, military intelligence,
operations in consonance with the deception
plan of the higher echelon. chemical, and CSS units. The ACR operates
as combined arms teams over wide areas that
(6) Corps plan and conduct oper- perform reconnaissance, security, and
ations other than war. economy of force operations for the corps. The
ACR can also perform the range of combat
operations ascribed to the DRB in this
b. Operational Context. While a corps
could deploy as an independent unit, such manual and may also be a force selected to
employment would be limited in both scope operate under the command and control of a
MEF. The TTP detailed for the DRB s
and duration. Normally, corps will function
integrated employment with the MEF apply
under the control of higher echelons (such as
mainly to the ACR as well; differences may
field armies and army groups in developed
theaters), as land components of a unified or be accommodated through liaison and staff
subunified command, or as the Army element coordination. Figure A-2 depicts heavy ACR s
of a JTF with the corps commander serving organization and major weapons systems.
c. Corps Aviation Brigade. The corps in intelligence and counterintelligence
aviation brigade provides the corps planning, analysis, production, and
commander with a significant capability for dissemination. It also supports the G3 in
prosecuting air maneuver and deep electronic warfare, operations security, and
operations. The brigade features a varying deception planning.
number of attack helicopter battalions (of 24
AH-64 Apaches each) that possess f. Engineer Brigade. The engineer
exceptional capabilities for night operations brigade controls engineer units of the corps
and a mix of assault, medium-lift, and that are not organic to the maneuver units.
observation helicopters. The brigade The brigade provides mobility, counter-
requires support from the corps support mobility, survivability, and general
command for maintenance, ground engineering support to the corps and
transportation, and Classes III and V augments the engineer support of committed
sustainment. maneuver and other subordinate units. The
brigade may contain combat engineer
d. Corps Artillery. The corps artillery battalions, combat engineer battalions
includes all the artillery cannon and MLRS/
(heavy), combat support equipment
ATACMS battalions that are not organic to companies, assault float bridge companies,
maneuver units. These battalions are and tactical bridge companies. The brigade
normally configured into field artillery may form engineer groups to command and
brigades allocated as needed to augment the control engineer units when the size of the
fires of committed maneuver units or brigade requires the use of intermediate
retained under corps control to provide headquarters. A topographic engineer
general support fires. Artillery supports the company in direct support of the corps from
corps fight throughout the depth of the the EAC topographic engineer battalion
battlefield by delivering ATACMS fires at provides terrain analysis and develops,
operational depths, supporting corps deep produces and disseminates special
operations with SEAD fires, fighting the topographic products such as overprints of
counterfire battle, providing weight to the standard Defense Mapping Agency Mapping,
close fight when and where needed, and charting, and geodesy products.
supporting rear operations as required.
g. Air Defense Artillery Brigade. The air
e. Military Intelligence Brigade. The defense artillery brigade contains units with
military intelligence brigade contains weapons systems designed to counter air
operations, tactical exploitation, and aerial threats from low, medium, and high altitudes.
exploitation battalions. The military Subordinate battalions employ a com-
intelligence brigade provides intelligence and bination of gun and missile systems. Corps
operations security in general support of the air defense battalions usually conduct
corps and augments the intelligence tactical operations in support of corps
capabilities of corps subordinate units. The priorities but may be tasked to reinforce
brigade collects and analyzes information subordinate unit air defense units. Corps air
from multiple sources, including signal, defenses are synchronized with both
imagery, and human intelligence assets. The subordinate and EAC units. These latter
brigade s intelligence assets provide the corps systems normally include aircraft involved
with the ability to see deep into the enemy in defensive counterair operations of US and
rear area and disrupt enemy command, allied air forces; long-range, high-altitude
control, and communications at critical times missile systems of theater surface-to-air
during the battle. The operations battalion missile units; and the supporting command
provides an analysis and control element to and control network of the integrated theater
the corps headquarters that assists the G2 air defense network.
h. Signal Brigade. The signal brigade with host-nation civil/military police to
provides the installation, operation, and
accomplish assigned missions.
maintenance of communications within and
between the corps command and control k. Civil Affairs Brigade. The functional
facilities, as well as an extensive
composition of civil affairs (CA) forces varies
communications network that connects all
with the mission, availability, and
elements of the corps. To accomplish this,
qualification of CA personnel and supported
the brigade uses radio and wire
command preferences. CA forces support
communications to transmit voice, digital
JFC, service, or functional component
data, and facsimile into an integrated tactical
commanders. US Army Reserve CA forces
communications system.
are separately organized into commands,
brigades, and battalions. CA commands and
i. Chemical Brigade. The chemical
brigades do not have organic subordinate
brigade commands, controls, and coordinates units and battalions do not have subordinate
chemical support operations of attached
companies. CA forces are attached to
chemical units and provides those units with subordinate component commanders for
administrative and logistical support. The
employment at operational and tactical
brigade evaluates and determines levels. The attached CA forces support the
decontamination, NBC reconnaissance, and various commanders in accomplishing
smoke support requirements for the brigade; theater CMO objectives. Generally, CA units
the brigade commander then recommends are regionally aligned, (i. e., CENTCOM,
NBC mission priorities to the corps
commander. Based on corps commander with a CA (RC) brigade supporting a corps.
guidance, the brigade provides smoke There is only 1 active duty battalion with 5
generator, NBC reconnaissance, and NBC companies each regionally aligned. It is a
decontamination support within the corps worldwide contingency unit.
areas. Chemical battalions within the
brigade support corps units in specified 1. Psychological Operations Battalion.
command or support relationships. Psychological operations (PSYOP) tactical
support units (tactical support groups (TSG)
j. MP Brigade. The MP brigade
(RC), tactical support battalions (TSB), and
commands and controls several MP tactical support companies (TSC) are
battalions that provide battlefield circulation primarily responsible for support to corps and
control, area security, enemy prisoner of war below maneuver units. These units may be
and civilian internee operations, and law and task organized under a psychological
order for the corps. It conducts recon- operations task force (POTF) or joint
naissance and surveillance to ensure security psychological operations task force (JPOTF)
of main supply routes and area when operation at the CINC or JTF level.
reconnaissance of other key areas in the corps Within the JTF the POTF/JPOTF is a
rear, The brigade normally provides response separate functional command similar to a
forces to counter threats to the rear area that
joint special operations task force. A corps
exceed the organic capabilities of combat not operating as a JTF is normally supported
support and CSS units but do not require by a PSYOP regional support company and
commitment of significant ground combat a PSYOP TSB with 3 companies (1 per
units. The brigade augments the organic division). They conduct loudspeaker
MPs of committed maneuver units as operations and disseminate PSYOP
required and may also operate in support of materials developed by the PSYOP regional
USAF units in air base ground defense support units. In the course of conducting
operations. The brigade may conduct close their primary missions, these units collect
liaison and mutually supporting operations and report PSYOP relevant information.
They have the capability to provide limited command and control over all finance units
PSYOP material development, production, within the corps. No division-level finance
and dissemination. These activities are units exist; a network of units provide
conducted on an as-required basis with the military pay, disbursing, travel, and
authorization of and under guidelines commercial vendor services on an area
established by the headquarters of the support basis.
PSYOP task organization. PSYOP regional
and tactical support units are capable of o. Personnel Group. The personnel
supporting civil affairs units in group serves as the command and control
accomplishing many of the corps CMO headquarters for all personnel service
objectives. Another PSYOP contribution to battalions and separate companies in the
the support of corps operations is the PSYOP corps areas, as well as for replacement
enemy prisoner of war (EPW) and civilian companies, postal companies, and bands.
internee battalion (EPWB). This battalion Personnel service companies furnish
with its 2 EPW/counterintelligence (CI) divisional and nondivisional units with
companies (EPWC) operates under the strength management, personnel
OPCON of the PSYOP tack organization accountability, strength reconciliation,
headquarters and attached to the MP replacement distribution, casualty reporting,
prisoner of war command (MPPWCOM). postal operations, and morale support.
These PSYOP EPW/CI units support the
PSYOP task organization by collecting and 3. Corps Operations
reporting PSYOP relevant information
gathered by screening, interviewing, and a. Corps Area of Operations. The echelon
surveying EPW/CI camp populations and above corps normally designate the corps
recording EPW audio surrender appeals. area of operations for both offensive and
They support MTTWCOM by performing defensive operations. In addition to flank
PSYOP staff planning and conducting and rear boundaries, a corps forward
PSYOP in support of camp operations and boundary could be used to depict the
augmenting MP forces responsible for geographic extent of its responsibilities. The
corps normally divide its area of operations
processing, monitoring, and controlling the
populations at EPW/CI camps established at geographically into subareas to execute deep,
corps. close, and rear operations. The use of
boundaries and other control measures in
m. Corps Support Command. The corps both linear and nonlinear environments
support command (COSCOM) serves as the facilitates both corps operational command
locus for logistics activities in the corps. The and control and the delineation of
COSCOM provides supply, field services, responsibilities to corps subordinate
transportation (mode operations and elements.
movement control), maintenance, and
medical support to the divisions and b. Close Operations. Corps close
nondivisional units of the corps. The operations encompass the current battles and
COSCOM contains a mix of subordinate units engagements of its major maneuver
tailored to support the size and configuration elements, together with the combat support
of the corps. The COSCOM organizes tailored and combat service support activities
corps support groups to support the logistics currently supporting them. The corps close
requirements that exceed the organic operations include the deep, close, and rear
capabilities of major subordinate units. operations of its committed divisions;
separate maneuver brigades; and/or armored
n. Finance Group. The finance group cavalry regiment. Not all activities that are
part of close operations are necessarily
provides all finance support and exercises
taking place near the line of contact. For can participate in time and space against
example, counterfire directed against enemy projected operations provide relevant
artillery that support enemy regiments of targets for attack. Based on the
divisions in contact comprise a component of recommendations of the corps staff, the
close operations. Similarly, security commander determines deep operations
operations, such as covering and screening objectives and designs them to shape future
forces, are part of close operations. close operations. Objectives in attacking
Conversely, not all activities occurring near enemy forces in depth designed to
the line of contact are part of the close
significantly alter the tempo of enemy
operations. Target acquisition assets, for operations. This reduced tempo isolates
instance, may locate in the areas where close close operations on terms favorable to the
operations are taking place but may be corps. Attacks to disrupt commitment of
supporting deep operations. The outcome of follow-on enemy forces into battle,
the corps close fight will ultimately
synchronized with attacks against command
determine the success or failure of the corps and control systems and other operationally
battle. The corps deep and rear operations significant targets, can produce decisive
focus primarily on creating conditions effects or create conditions for close
favorable to the corps winning its close operations to achieve decisive effects. To
operations. realize the maximum payoff from these
attacks, deep operations are integrated
c. Deep Operations. Corps deep oper- within the overall concept of operation.
ations include those activities directed
against enemy forces not currently engaged d. Rear Operations. Corps rear oper-
in close operations but capable of engaging ations consist of those activities from the
in or influencing future close operations. corps rear boundary forward to the rear
Maneuver forces, fire support, and boundaries of committed maneuver units.
supporting C4I systems combine to plan and The corps conducts rear operations to the
execute deep operations. Deep operations corps freedom of maneuver and continuity
create leverage in the close fight. Corps of operations, including logistics and
planners project future operations and command and control. Continuous recon-
determine what conditions the corps can naissance and timely intelligence
create and exploit to defeat the enemy to collection and dissemination are essential
accomplish operational objectives. Deep for successful rear operations. Rear
operations depend on careful analysis of operations must include clear command
enemy capabilities to interfere with friendly and control arrangements, dedicated fire
operations and enemy vulnerability to support, and designated combat forces to
attack. Those enemy forces including respond to rear-area threats as
related command and control systems that appropriate.
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