For consumption purposes, a storagc period of 5 mon ths is considered safe irrespective of varieties. On theother band, for breedingand seed produc-lion, soybean seedsshould not be stored for morę than 3 mon ths at 28° and 85% RI i. Yariety Palmetto would be the best vai iety for such purposes.
It would be advisable for researchers worki ng on C. maculalus to selcctmungbean oversoybean as the most suitable rearing media in the laboratory, without special reference tovarietaI difference.
Overall, tłie result of th is study implicates that the genes for resistance to C. maculalus may be present in both mungbean and soybean. There-fore, morę extensive search in the different germplasm collections may yield sources of resistance to this pest. Further research on the control of Bruchids would enable farmers to harvest and storę the beans free of the problems by the com-mon bean weevil.
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Howe, R.W. andJ.E. Cl RRlE. 1964. Sonic Laboraton Observations on the Ratę of Development Mortality and Oviposition of Several Species oj Bruchidae Breeding in Stored Pulses .Buli Entomd Res. 55(31:137 77.
Jotwani, M.G. 1964. Studies on the Extent of Inseci Damageand Germination of Seeds. I.Germinatiou oł Pea Seeds Damaged by Callosobruchus maculatw JruUśń /. I ntomoL 26(1): 130-30.
Pomeranz, Y. 1982. Biochemical, Functional anr Nutritive Changcs during Storage: In Storage ol C.ereal Grains and Their Products, 3rd edn. Am Assoc. Cereal Chem. St. Paul.Minnesota. 517p.
Sinc;h,D.P„ S.S. Sharma, and V.K. Thapar. 1982 Biochemical Changes in Stored Moongand Mash Varieties due to Infestation ol Callosobruchuj maculalusFab. (Bruchidae:(loleoptera).y. Restart) Putyabagnc Univ. 19(2): 30-35.
Yadav,T.D., P. Sircar, and M.C. Jotwani 1968. Studio on Insect Damage and Germination of Seeds. Indian J. EntomoL 30(l):83-84.
(Rtcewed 15 Eebruary, 1989