By Shelby Johnson, Keitu Engineers & Consullonts, Int. I How6ylta«oUei«ui!WS(«i7(HiMi«(» BY RAIŁ, NORTH DAKOTA

NORTH DAKOTA has goined national notoriety as Ihe "capitol of crude by raił." The State continues to be the epicenter of drilling octnity. rushing from ninth to second plotę in crude production over o period of only nine yeors. Since 2012, it now ronks now only behind Texas in domestic crude production. But pipelines to avoilable markets con't be built thot fost. Hence, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration 66% of thot crude is being transported by rad out of stole.

The 2014 TRANSCAER® tour induded 11 stops in six different locotions throughout North Dakota, ond boosted ottendees from all ports of the State, 414 in total. Much

of this success is owed to the ND Firefighters Association, which handled registration for the events and issued training certificotes, and the ND Department of Emergency Semices, which hefped promote the tour ond coordinoted with locol fire deportments. Short linę sponsors induded the Red River Volley & Western and the Dokota Missouri Valley & Western Railroads.

Participants were encouraged to get hands-on ercperience with the locomotive ond specialized training tank cors; inslructors ond students dimbed the sides of tonk cors to exomine monwoys, top-fittings protection ond pressure relief devices. The students.


6 | TRANSCAER® today -'


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