granules spread on the soli surface and lncorporated lnto the top 15 ctn for control of Macroposthonia omata and Meloldogyne lncognlta. Nemato3e populations In the soli and root-gall indlces were lower, and ylelds greater, ln treated than In untreated plots, but there were no signlfl-cant differences between the methods of appllcation in most comparlsons.

0 0 6 3 KISHIZAWA, T. Prellminary experiment on vartetal reactlon of com to three Meloldogyne species. In Proceedlngs of the 3rd Research Plannlng Conference on root-knot neraatodes, Meloldogyne spp., Region VI, 20-24 July 1981, Jakarta, Indonesla, Ralelgh, NC, USA; North Carollna State Unlverslty (1981) 55-63 (En, 16 ref.) Phytoneoic Res. Lab., Nat Inst. of Agrlc. Scl., Yatabe, Tsukuba, lbaraki 305, Japan.

Ali 72 malze cultlvars tested ln a pot experlment showed Imminlty to M. hapla; nonę was Inmmne to M. lncognlta or H. 1avanlca.

0 06 4NIGERIA, 1YTTE RN ATI ON AL 1NSTITUTE 0F TROPICAL AGRICULTURE. Annual report 1980. Ibadan, Nigeria. (1981 ?) vi ♦ 185 pp. (En, Plant nematology pp. 61-62, 70,72, 76-78)

Ali of 10 cassatra cultivars were suscep-tlble to Meloldogyne lncognlta and M. 1avanlca wltfi the forroer belng morę aggresslve. For Ploscorea rotundata cv Nwapoko hot-water treatment ln the rangę 45°C for 40 min and 55°C for 40 min ls recommended for nematode control. Scutellonema bradys was cultured ln the greenhouse on sweet potato or cowpea, but culture on sproutlng yam pleces was unsuc-cessful. Newly harvested D. rotundata were treated with comblnatlons of hot water and Chemical (Tecto, aldlcarb, Mlral) treatment:    nonę of the treatments was 100%

effectlve agalnst S. bradys. Treatment of D. rotundata at varlous stages of growth with ethephon at concentratlons of 5 to 320 ppm had no effect on soli nematode populations.

0 06 5 Townshend, •>. I.., STCjbbs, L. HIstopathology and bistoch*"- stry of lesions causetl by Pratylenchus penetrans in roots <*f -ragc lcgumes. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology (198!) 3 \3) 123-128 [En, fr, 26 ref.) Research Station, Agric. Canasfo, Vineland Sta., Ontario LOR 2E0, Canada.

P. penetrans entered along the entire length of feeder roots of luccme, red clover, and birdsfoot trefoil exccpt root tips. Lesions first appeared as waiersoaked areas which later becanic discoloured. Lesions coalesced and intensity of discolouration inereased with time, tbc colour of lesions varying with the hosl. Nematodcs fed in the cortcx and never cniered the stele afrhough the stele bccame discoloured. Polyderm developed beneath the endodermis in lucernę roots and celi multiplication occurrcd in spindlc-shaped cells at the endodermis in birdsfoot trefoil roots in response to damaged cortical tissuc. In lucerne the presence ot polyphenols was obscrved in nematode damaged cells. Much of the discolouration resulted from oxidation of phcnols involving the formation of ligninlike substances as when phenols were held in a reduced stale, characteristic lesions did not form.

00 66-HEYNS, J., 1965. “Four new species of tne genus Xiphinema (Nematoda: Dotylaimoidca) from South Africa.” Ncrnatologica, 11 (1), 87-99. [Frcnch summary p. 99.)

4 new species of Xiphinenia are dcscribcd and figured including dctails of their juvenilc stages.

X. clawoan n.sp., from marshy arcas in the Bizana district in the Transkci, is close to X. rotundatum from which it diflers in the absence of an organ Z, the shupe of the fcmalc taił which is hcmispherical to slightly clavate and the presence of males with a hemispherical taił. It differs from X. yapoense in a rclatively longer and dilTcrently shaped taił and the flatter lip region which is not ofTset by a con-striction. The odontostyle is 119 (107-l27)p. long plus an extension 78-90 [i long. In X. pini n.sp., from about the roots of unrhrifty Pinus patula at Sabie, Transvaal, the tails of both sexes are sub-hemispherical with a sliglit protuberancc at the terminus. It is distinguished front X. yapocmeX. mammilhtum and X. turicum by the presence of an organ Z which bas 3 or 4 sclerotizcd ridges projccting into its lumen in each gonad of the femalcs; from X. ronoidatum by a relatively shoricr taił and a shorter odontostyle which is 101—113 jjl long plus an extcnsion 73-86pi long; from X. ingerts by its smaller sizc L = 3 09-3 58mm., and shorter spear. X. imitator n.sp. from a grassy hill ncar Sordwana Bay, Zululand, is closely rclatcd to X. pini but is smaller, l-95-2-63mm. long, and the organ Z contains a fairly.l^enurnbcr of irrcgularly shaped dark granules. The* odontostyle is 84 (74—101)|x long plus an extcnsion 60-67 p. long. The spiculcs are 45 n long comparcd with 53-56|i in X. pini,. Both scxcs in X. żulu n.sp., from about the roots of Acacia xantopldoea in Northern Zululand, have a dorsally convex vcnira)\y concave taił 3 to 4J anal-body-w'idths long. The posterior half of the taił consists of a narrow cylindroitl non-protoplasmic tip with a roundcd terminus. It is distinguished from X. nigeriense, the only other species with a similar shaped taił, by its Jarger sizc, L = 2-96-3'47mnt., and its relativcly shorter taił.

#0 6 7 Norton, D. c.; Oard, M. Plant-parasitic nematodcs in loess toposeąuences pianted with corn. Journal of Sematology (1981) 13 (3) 314-321 (En. 8 ref.) Dep. of Plant Pach., Seed and Weed Sci., Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA 50011. USA.

Iń an Iowa maize field samples were collected monthly during the growing season along north- and west-facing toposeąuences. The greatest biomass for Xiphinema ameńcanum occuired at the footslope on the north face. Paratylenchus microdorus had its greatest biomass at the summit position,-generally morę in the west- tban in the north-f3cing slope. Pratylenchus spp. in the roots peaked at the toeslope in the north-facing slope, but at the foot-slope in the west-facing slope. Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus peaked at the backslope and the toeslope along the north- and west-facing slopes, respectively. D«versiiy, as computed for each płot by the Shannon-Weiner diversity index. was higoest at the backslope in both toposeąuences. Distribution is related to drainage and pH.

#006 8 K/MP/nski. JW/LLlS, C. B. Influence of soil temperaturę and pH on Pratylenchus penetrans and P. crenatus in alfalfa and timothy. Journal of Sematology (198!) 13 (3) 333-338 [En. 22 ref.) Res. Sia.r Agric. Canadi PO Bo\ 1210, Chariouetown, Prince Edward lsland. Canada CIA 7M6.

In Canada, numbers of F. penetrans in luccme and Phleum praicnse (timotby). and to a le^ser exiem P urenatus in timothy. inereased substanliaUy as temperaturę inereased from about 10‘C to 30’C However, P. crenatus in luccme ćecreased in number as temperatur? inereased. Mobility of P. crenatus in vcnical soil coiumns decrrased as temperaturę inerezsed from 9.5'C to 28.5 C. Raising the soil pH in which lucerne was grown from 5.0 to 6.9 inereased the numbers of P. penetrans and greatly reduced the numbers of P. crenatus. The numbers of both nematode species in timothy were 98 reduced significantly as soil pH inereased. The optimum soil


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