on popalations of Pratylencbus bracbyums and on the growth and yield of maixe (Zea mays L.). Hematologię Mcditerranca (1977) 5 (2) 151-157 [En, it] Nematol. Lab., Phytopath. Unii, Dep. of Agric. Biol., Univ. of Ibadan, Nigeria.
Incorporation of cocoa pod husk (CPH) at 90, 45 or 40
tonne/ha increased the yield, stem diameter and shoot frcsh weight of Zea mays in soi! with and wiihout Pratylencbus bracbyurus. Soil populations of the nematode were greatly reduced by CPH addition to 2 consecutive crops of Z. mays Differences between treatments obseived in the fi ret crop became morę pronounced in the second.
*03 18 Birchfield, W. Pathogenesis and host-parasite relat:*'"< of the cyst nematode, Heterodera graminophila, on grasses. Phytopathology (19V;.) 63 (1) 38-40 [En] Dept. of Plant Pathology, Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouee, Louisiana 70803, USA.
The cyst nematode Heterodera graminophila was found on bamyard grass Echinoch/oa colonum in Louisiana, USA- In glasshouse conditions the larvae penetrated the roots of seedlings and became oiiented along the vascular cylinder in 12 days. Females developed in 18 days and lemon shaped cysts emerged through the epidermis after 24 days. There was no galling of root tissue, giant celi formation or secretion of a gelatinous matrix around the eggs. There was slight necrosis of the pericycle and cortex but no foliage symptoms. Małe Ii. graminophila !arvae did not penetrate to the vascular tissue but developed in the cortex near the epidermis. Other hosts were Oryza sativa and Sorgbum halapense.
0 3 19 AdamoyA, B. [Inrestigations on the damage and bionomics of stem eelworm {Ditylcnchus dipsstd) on lucernę and possibllities of control. [Report].] Yyzkum 5kodlivosti a bionomie hśdAtka zhoubnćho na vojt£Śce a moinosti ochrany proti n£mu. In Zśvircćnń zprńva vyzkumnebo ustavu picninńrskóho, Troubsko. Ciechoslovakia. (1975) 1-36 [Cs] There was a severe infestation of Ditylcnchus di psa ci on 6% of plants in 23% of the luceme-growing area in Czechos!ovakia. Nematodes were observed during the entirc yegetation period with largest numbers in August. Immature seeds were infested but no nematodes were found in healthy seeds.
0 3 2 0 European and Mediterranean Plant PROTECTION Oroanization Fourth report of the Standing Commlttee on fumigation standards, Parts. 17-18 Jonę, 1974. EPPO Publications, Paris, C (1974) No. 34, 47 pp. [En] 1, rue Le Nótre, Paris, France. From Bromides in AgncuJture No. 42 (1978), 3-7.
Recommended standards are given for the fumigation of seed of onion, lucernę and red cłover with methyl bromide for the control of Dityltncbus dipsaci.
0 3 21 Price, T. V. Diseases of the winged bean in Papua New Guinea. [Proc. 2nd Nac. PI. Path. Conf., Brisbane, Australia, 12-14 May, 1976. Abstract.]. AusiraJian Plam Pathology Society Hews/erter (1976) 5 (1, Suppl.) Abs. 209 [En] Univ. of Papua New Guinea, Pt. Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
The most widespread diseasc of Psophocarpus terragonolobus in Papua New Guinea is root-knot due to Mcioidogyne incognito. Seedlings become infected within
1 weeks of gennination and adult females appear 4 weeks later. Purc lines are being screened for resistance.
03 2 2 Yarietles. Crops and Soils (1975) 28 (I) 19-20 [En] From Plant Brccding Abstracts 46, 6829, 6832.
Luceme breedinę materiał designated as Nevada Synthetic XX displayed resistance to 3 collections of Meloidogyne hap/a in glasshouse tests in the USA. In fields where Meloidogyne spp. and other nematodes were prevalent, Nevada Synthetic XX had higher stand density ratings than 34 other varieties tested.
0 3 2 3 AMOSU, J. O. The reaction of cowpea (Vigna ungu/culata (L.) Walp) to the root-knot nematode {Meloidogyne Incognito) In Western Nigeria. Nigcrian Agricultural Journal (1974) 11 (2) 165-169 [En] Insi. of Agric. Res. and Training, Univ. of Ife, Nigeria.
Seventy-seven cultivare and lines of cowpea {Vigna unguicufata) were rated in replicated tests in the screenhousc, microplots and the field for their reaction to Meloidogyne incognito. 36 cultivare and lines were found resistant. Other cultivare and lines were moderately to highly susceptible as indicated by the root-knot nematode*s ability to reproduce on the host. In the wet season tests, roots both of Mak I/I and Yictor K798 cowpea were free of galls but in the dry season tests some roots of cultivare exhibited slight galling. Ife Brown (H62-1) was susceptible to M. incognito.
0 3 2 4 Caubel, G. [Reactions of three ▼ariet!es of lucernę to the inoculation of seedlings with the stem nematode Ditylcnchus dipsaci] Rćactions de trois v&rićtćs de luzeme k 1’inoculation des plantules par le nćmatode des tiges Ditylcnchus dipsaci (Kiihn) Fil. Sciences Agronomiques Rennes
(1974) 37-42 [Fr, en] I.N.R.A., Lab. de Zool., E.N.S.A. Rennes, France.
The reaction to Ditylcnchus dipsaci of the luceme varicties Europę (susceptible), Yertus and Alfa II (both resistant), inoculated at the cotyledon stage with 30 nematodes each, was observed 12, 21 and 39 days after inoculation. Reactions were classified as swelling, arrest of growth or necrosis. The symptoms