rhlzomatus, ls a newly reported host tor Tylenchulua semlpenetrans. Adult femalee and other stages wcre (Tissected from A. rhlzomatus roots. The nematode was found associated with 18 other plant species.
0682 HUSSAIN, S.I. 6 KHAN, A.M. 1967. "A new subfamlly, a new subgenus and elght new species of nematode8 from India belonglng to superfamily Tylenchoidea." Proc, helmith. Soc. Wash., 34 (2), 175-186.
A new subfamlly Rotylenchulinae ls proposed under the family Hoplolalmidae to Include the genus Rotylenchus. Interrelationships of the genera ol tKe family Tylenchldae are discussed. Ottolenchus n.subg. ls proposed under the genui 'Tylenchus. Tylenchus (Ottolenchus) egulsetus n.subg., n.sp. ls described from soli around the roots of Casvarlna egulsetlfolla at Allgarh, Uttah Pradesh', India. It ls distlnguished by a moderately developed bursa ln males, a lip region not clearly annulated, and an oval median bulb. T. (Lelenchua) mlrus n.sp. ls described from soli aroun3 the roots of Hlblscus rosaslnensla at Allgarh. It Ts distlnguished by the position of the vulva, slze of the spear and ln the tali length. T. (L.) cynodoneus n.sp. ls described from soli around tfie roots of Cynodon dactylon at Allgarh. It differs from T. (L.) dlscrepans In the absence of males “size"of the spear and length of the tali. Dltylenchus mlnutus n.sp. ls described from soli around the roots of Puniea granatum at Ghazipur, Uttah Pradesh. It differs from D. misellus by the almost stralght body when relaxed and morę posterlorly located vulva. D. cyperl n.sp. ts described from soli around the roots of Cyperus rotundus at Allgarh and It differs from related species malnly ln the position of the vulva, the slze of the spear and ln the shape and length of the tali. D. ausafl n.sp. ls described from soli arouii3 the roots of Rosa sp. at Allgarh and ls characterlzed by a long tali, short bursa and relatlvely anterlor vulva. In the family Hoplolalmidae, Rotylenchus hellcus n.sp. ls described from soli around the roots of Psldlum guająya at Rampur, Uttah Pradesh. It differs from all closely related species except R. orlentalls ln having the orlflce of the dorsal oesophageal gland at morę than half the spear length behlnd the spear base. It ls distlnguished from R. orlentalls ln the slze of the spear, position bf the phasmld and presence of dlstlnct eplptygma ln females. Hemlcycllophora dhlrendrl n.sp. (Hoplolalmidae) ls described from soli around the roots of Cyperus rotundus at Allgarh. It ls characterlzed by the absence of longltudlnal llnes, heolzonld and the tobolar sheath coverlng the splcules, also by the slze of the spear and the splcules, the shape of the tali and In havlng the vulva under a folded sklrt.
0683 HIJINK, M.J., 1968. "Influence of Meloldogyne hapla on the white clover eon-tent of a grass-clover mlxture at different levels of nltrogen fertlllsation.” [Abstract.l International Symposlum of Nematology (8th), Antlbes, Sept. 8-14, 1965. Reports, p.75.
0684 GRIFFIN, G.D. 1967. "Chemical control of the steo n era a t ode Ditylencus dlpsacl." PI. Dis. Reptr, 51 (11)7 973-974.
The effectiveness of varlous Chemicals ln controlling Dltylenchus dlpsacl ln lucerna was compared. Llquld formułatlons of cynem Ithlonazlml and dlmethoate at 0.5, 1.0 and
2.0 lb. per acre, and Bayer 37289 at the
2.0 lb. ratę, gave good to excellent control of D. dlpsacl. Methyl demeton-R and Bayer 25ft»l gave fair control but were equally effectlve ln suppresslng galllng as were cynem, dlmethoate and Bayer 37289. Both foroulatlons of phorate at all rates. and the granular formulatlon of cynem gave relatlvely poor nematode control but fair supression of galllng. No data on nematode numbers were obtalned for the llquld formu-lation of phorate owlng to the poor control of galllng.
0685 EPPS, J.M. & G0LDEN, A.M., 1967. "Suitabtllty of Kobe Lespedeza for repro-duction of lsolates of tTve soybean cyst nematode from nine locatlons. " PI. Dis. Reptr, 51 (9), 775-776.
lsolates of Heterodera glyelnes repro-duced on *Lespedeza stiiata ln gTasshouse experiments. Soce varlatlons occurred ln the rates of reproduction but all lsolates were highly pathogenlc and could not be differentlated on thla host. Results show that L. striata can serve as an Important host for all the 9 lsolates of the soy-bean cyst nematode from 6 States of the U.S.A.
0686 LAUGHLIN, C.W. 6 WILLIAMS. A.S., 1968. "Effects of lnoculum levels of Hyposoperlne gramlnls on root growth of łTlfgreenb bermudagrass (Cynodon sp.)." Nematologlca, 14 (1), 9-10.
0687 GRISSE, A. DE, 1967. "Description of fourteen new species of Crlconematldae with remarks on different species of this family." BIol. Faarb., 35, 66-125. [French suo-mary pp.87-881
14 new species of Crlconematldae are described and flgured: one Crlconemoldes sp., 4 Macropoathonla spp., ~4 Nothocrfconema spp77 4 Dlscocrlconemella spp. and one Lobocrlconema sp. C. amorphus n.sp. was collected from a dune at Hlddelkerke, Belglum; M. coomansl n.sp. from around the roots of Oilorlę gayana from Sallnes, Congo Republic l» Congo kinshasaj; M. denondent n.sp. from sandy soli around the roots of cltrus and from clay soli around the roots of coffee from Paramarlbo, Surinam; M. dherdel n.sp. from around the roots of oTd peachtrees and grass from Rljkatulnbouw-school, Melle, Belglum; M. peruenslformls n.sp. from around the roots of potato from Santo Domingo, Venezuela; N. corbettl n.sp. from around the roota of ~Flmbrłgtylls sp. from Zomba, Malawi; N. dublum n.sp. from around the roots of ~tea plants ln Musasa and banana ln Mwlndozl, Burundi; N. loofl n.sp. from sandy dune soli around tfie roota of grass plants from Mlddelkerke, Belglum; N. soli tar lum n.sp. from a bamboo forest near Pweto, Congo Republic; D. ba forti n.sp. and D. macramphldla n.sp. Yrom a forest along“the Kinga rlver, Kamena, Congo Republic; D. glabrannulata n.sp. from eavanna at Kamena, Congo Republic; D. |gl gphacrocephaloldes n.sp. from around the