don of metnyl bromide gas on to lucerne seed infcsted witb Dirylenchus dipsaci to predict the length of dme a fumigation should takc at the obtaining temperaturę and moisture content.
0700 CORBETT, D.C.M., 1966. "Central
Afrlcan nematodes. III. Angulna hyparThenlae n.sp. assoclated with •wltcKes1 broon of Hyparrhenla spp." Nena tologica, 12 (2), 206-286. (French
summary p.286.]
Angulna hyparrhenlae n.sp., fron lnflo-rescences of kyparrhenlae colllna from Malawi, 18 described. It most closely
resembles A. spenpophaga but dlffers In the slze and słiape of the terminal process of the tali of both aeaes and In havlng a amaller female gonad with no flexurea and a larger post-uterlne sac. The małe also has a ahorter tali than that of A. spenaophaga. The Inflorescencea of several species of Hyparrhenla ln Malawi are commonly clumped, forming 'Sfitches' brooma". Ali such inflo-reacencea examlned were lnfeated by A. hypatThenlae.
0701 EDMUNDS, J.E. & MAI, W.F., 1966. 'Topulatlon lncrease of Pratylenchua penetrans ln alfalfa and celery roots lnfected wlth Trlchodenaa yirlde." Phytopa-thology, 56 (li), 1320-13217^
Slgnlflcantly morę nematodes were recovered from lucerne roots lnfected wlth Pratylenchus penetran8 and Trlchodenaa yirlde tfian from roots lnfected wlth P. penetraną only. Each organlam retarded tHe growth of 8hoots and roots of lucerne, and their comblned effect was greater but not addltlve. The number of P. penetraną recovered from celery was slmllar whether the roots were lnoculated wlth T. yirlde or not, but their comblned effect slgnlflcant-ly retarded the growth of shoots and roots.
0702 MAŁEK, R. B. & JENKINS, W. R., 1964. “Aspects of the host-parasite relacionships of uemaiodes and hairy vetch." Buli. New Jers. cgric. Exp. Stru, No. 813, 31 pp.
In pot-tests, Meloidogyne arenaria galled Vicia vi 2 los a but not as inteosiveiy as did Af. incognito acrita and Af. hopla. V. villosa is a new host for At. arenaria. Trickodorus christiei, Criconemoides curuatum, C. mutahile, Paratylertchus curuitatus, Scutel-lonema brachyurum, and Rotylenchus unifonnis incrcased at least 10-fold on V. wllosa in 3 months. V. uillosa is a new host recorded for all but T. christiei. C. xenoplax, al$o a previously unreported species from hairy vetch, incrcased less than 10-fold. Pratylenchus penetrans, P. crenalus, Belonolaimus longicaudatus, Hoplolaimus galeatus, C. lobatum, C. morgeme and Xiphinema americanum suscained their original inoculation levels. All but P. penetrans are newly jecorded from hairy vetch. C. reedi, C. macrodorum and Longidorus elongatus did not reproduce on hairy vetch. Hairy vetch is not recommended as a cover crop in the presence of these nematodes: In pathogenicity tests, T. chris-tiei incrcased 97-fold in 90 days and the fresh weights of tops and roots averaged 63 and 79% respectively, less than thosc of non-inoculated plants. lnfected plants had abnormaily bluish-green foliage and smaller leaflets compared with healthy Controls. lnfected roots had an over-all dark brown discoloration and deritalized root tips. C. curuatum incrcased 56-fold in 90 days but
there were no differences in the top and root weights compared with control plants. lnfected roots were only slightly diseoloured. Af. hopla and Af. incognito acńta severely galled the roots of hairy vetch but the root weights were not very differenc from thosc of Controls. Af. incognito acrita had no effect on top weights but Af. hapla decreased top wcight by 23%. Of these 4 nematodes only T. christiei decreased the total yield of hairy vctch in 4 croppings at monthly incervals; there was 41% less total yield by wcight compared with Controls. Af. hapla, Af. javanica, T. christiei and C. curuatum interfered with root nodulation by Rhisobiwn leguminosarum. The combined effeets of Af. hapla, T. christiei and C. curuatum in yarious combinations were severest in the treat-ments incorporating T. christiei. C. curuatum and T. christiei reproduced best at 25X7 but T. christiei seemed morę tolerant of a wider rangę of temperaturę. The total length of T. christiei but not of C. curuatum varied inversely with the temperaturę; mean values of length and width of adults from those reared in lower temperatureś were consistendy greater than those reared in higher temperatureś.
0703 -MONTEIRO, A. R., 1963. ‘Tratilencose do milho.” Reuta Agric^ Paulo, 38 (4), 177-187. [English summary pp. 184-185.]
In 11 localities of S2o Paulo State, Brazil, Praty-lenchus brachyurus and P. zeae alone and together were found causing disease of Zea mays. This is the first rccord of P. zeae from Brazil. Measure-ments of members of each population are given with reference to di Stingu i s bing be twe en the 2 species- Other hosts and the geograpbical distri-bution of the nematodes are mentioned, the symptoms of infected Z. mays are described and control methods are suggested. A female P. brachy-urus killed by the fixative had, in the uterus, an egg containing a live, well dcveloped larva; the significance of this is discussed.
0704 -HEYNS, J., 1966. "Scudies on South African Xiphinema species, wich descriptions of two new species displaying sezual dimorphism of the taił (Nematoda: Dorylaimoidea).” Nema-tologicfi, 12 (3), 369-384. [German summary p. 383.]
Xiphinema dimorphicaudatum n.sp. from soil about the roots of pineapplc, citrus, cotton and Acacia spp. near East London, Cape Province, South Africa, is described. The female resembles X. uanderlindei and has an elongate-coaoid taił, while the małe has a short taił with a peg. In X. uariabile n.sp., of which the female resembles X. opisthohysterum, the female taił is likewise conoid and the tnalc taił pegged, but the taił is shorter than Ln X. dimorphicaudatum, ąuite variable, usually shorter in the małe than in the female, and the peg not always distina. X. uariabile was coUected from grassland next to a citrus orchard in Transvaal. X. fiagellicaudatum, of which the małe was hitherto unknown, is redescribed and figured.
0706 -EDMUNDS, J. E. & MAI, W. F., 1966. “Effect of Trichoderma viride, Fusariunt oxysporum and fungal enzymes upon the penetration of alfalfa roots by Pratylenchus penetransPhyto-pathology, 56 (10), 1132-1135.
Morc Pratylenchus penetrans entered lucernę roots treated with Pnchoderma uiride and Fusariion oxysporum at spore concentrations ranging frum 96x 10T to 51X10» and 6-2x!04 to 2 0x10* respcctively, than entered non-inoculated roots.