«i 600 ppm
*pp«* of tonu
nora of
mhibtitó pcMtrtlioo of roocs ot tootfto
ezpenmcstt, smsk foii*r
Mouwnui mcogwta. Prnetration of Rotykncbulut remforma toto pump pca n, ćnłufcicd b) 2500 pan In • field truL 3 (obu appbcatiaos of <a*my1 tt|2J0m sienlfanihr rtrfuocd tbc mnnben of M. tocogwta ud ^»//icDcAuAx5 (- %^^5»-!r3baSo5y rt*ovtr«i fran wanto roou
0762 MILLER, R.E., B00THROYD, C.W. 6 MAI, W.F., 1963. ,fRelationahlp of Pratylenchus penetraną to roots of com In New ¥orlc.H Phytopathology, 53 (3), 313-315.
A brief outline ie glven of the relatlon-shlp betwen Pratylenchus penetrans ln the soli and ln the roots of małże. Root and rhizosphere soli samples were tak en at fortnlghtly lntervals throughout the grow-ing season. The aroount of root rot ln the field was dlrectly correlated wlth the mmber of P. penentrans obtalned froo the roots and Trom the soli. P. crenatua was found ln smali numbers at one locatlon. The nuaber8 of Pratylenchus spp. were hlgher than those of 6 other naoed genera. 2 popu-latlon peaks of Pratylenchus occurred, the first ln early July and the second late ln August. There was an lnverse correlatlon between the number of Pratylenchus adults ln the roots and the number ln the soli.
egg denslty, when plant growth was stlll v Igor cni 8, wlth few new eggs be Ing produced above an lnltlal denslty of 400 e.p.g.
0766T0BAR JIMENEZ, A., 1962. "La Hetero-dera goettlnglana Llebscher, 1892, parJsTto de las habas Tvicla faba) granadlnas." Revlsta Ibćrlca de Parasitologla. 22 (3/4), 323-328. [Engllsh sunmary p.327.J
Heterodera goettlnelana was the predool-nant nematode found ln soli and root sam-ples of Vlcla faba ln Granada, Spaln. He1leoty1enchus, Meloldogyne, Pratylenchus, an3 !rylenchorf>ynchus larvae were aTso found; P. neglectusand T. parvus caused damage. "T parvus occurred In hlgher numbere Inside the roots than In the surroundlng soli. Great emphasis is lald on the potentlallty of Meloldogyne sp. as a pest.
0767T0LER, R.W., THOMPSON, S.S. 6 BARBER, J.M., 1963. "Cowpea (southem pea) dlseases ln Georgia, 1961-1962." Plant Dlsease Reporter, 47 (8), 746-747.
Meloldogyne ąrenarla, M. hapla, M. lncognlta. M. lncognlta var7 acrlta and R. javanica*~were Found on cowpea.
0763CHAPMAN, R.A., 1963. "Development of Meloldogyne hapla and M. lncognlta ln alfolfaT" Phytopathology, 53 (9), 1003-1005.
Top growth of luceme was reduced signlf-lcantly by Meloldogyne hapla but not by M. lncognlta. Cuttlng the top growth limlted the number of neoatodes because cuttlng vlrtually stopped root growth. Total top growth welght was greater ln plants cut at 4-week lntervals than ln those whlch were uncut. Effects of M. hapla and cuttlng on top growth were about equal ln amount and opposite In effect. Root welght was not altered slgnlflcantly by elther of the 2 snecles. M. hapla caused morę galling than dld M. lncognlta. especlally ln cut plants.
0768 GRANDISON. G.S., 1963. ,FIhe clover
cyst nematode (Heterodera trifol11 Goffart) ln New Zealan<TI notę).1' Rew Zealand Journal of Agrlcultural Research, 6 (5), 460-462.
The occurrence of Heterodera trifol11 on Trlfollum regens ln Rew Zealand Ts the TlrSt recoro oT thls nematode for the Southem Henlsphere. The nematode appears to be wlde-spread ln New Zealand and may contrlbute to the death of clover. The New Zealand pedlgree straln of T. repena ls hlghly resistent to the nematode, posslbly due to lts high cyanogenetlc glucoslde content.
0764HAWN, E.J., 1963. "Transmlsslon of
bacterlal wllt of alfalfa by Dl ty 1 enchus dlpsacl (Ruhn)." Nematologlca^ 9 (l),
65-68. IGerman summary p.67.j
Dltylenchus dlpsacl transmltted
CorynebacterYum Insldłosum Into crown buda of luceme resultlng ln an lncreased bacterlal wllt ln the wllt-susceptlble varlety "Grimm." Observatlons Indlcate that C. Insldłosum ls carrled on, rather than withln, the nematode.
0766 MORIARTY, F., 1963. "A populatlon
experlaent wlth Heterodera goettlnglana Lleb. and a relatlvely Ihefflclent nost, broad bean." Nematologlca, 9 (1), 152-156. [German summary p.156.)
A llnear regresslon of yleld on the logarithm of the lnltlal egg denslty of Heterodera goettlnglana was obtalned for Vlcla faba grown In ?4 garden plots of oandy clay loam. Plant growth was measured by the yleld of poda and be ans and the lnltlal and finał eelworm densltles were determlned by cyst and egg counts from 8amples taken before and after the experl-ment. V. faba ls shown to be a poor host of H. goettlnglana. beIng able to support a Iow populatlon of thls eelworm. It ls suggested that maxlmum productlon of new eggs occurred at an Intermedia te lnltlal 191
0 769 McGLOHON, N.E. 6 MINT0N, N.A., 1963. "Alfalfa stem nematode ln Alabama." Plant Dlsease Reporter, 47 (6), 573.
Dltylenchus dlpsacl on luceme ls re-corded for thTtlrśt tlme. In Alabama. Infestatlons were found at 4 locatlons durlng 1962. There was wlde-spread stuntlng of plants and loss of stand at one slte but damage was conflned to locallzed areas at the others.
0770 GOSTICK, K.G., 1963. "Control of seed-bome luceme stem eelworm wlth Phorate." Anna1s of Applied Blology, 51 (3), 503-507.
The nematotoxlclty of Insectlcldes and nematlcides as dresslngs on luceme seed lnoculated wlth Dltylenchus dlpsacl were tested ln pots and smali plots. Phorate (dlethyl S-(ethylthlomethyl) phosphoro-thlolothlonate) was the most nematotoxlc treatment but concentratlons above 4\ decreased germlnatlon and further tests are necessary. Llquld dresslngs are safer than dust formulatlons.
0771 KILPATRICK, R.A., CHEN, T., RICH, A.E. & RODRIGUES, L., 1963. ,rRoot symptoms and anatomlcal changes ln Trlfollum specles and lettuce resultlng from lnjury by Pratylenchus penetrans and 2,4-dlchloro-