
Yohimem bsuel Rbruary 2017

We are readung c<i! lo tou tor the hm tlme In 20)7. The rear ibit hu proc by hu heen ful-hllng. bu the new rear basaartedcrf wtih i tang; Wini to krww whit II fet Heaie read on

Our chess wonderkld scalesa new


Yes. our om 12 trą lwie chimp hu nudę t! to the top oftbe worid: A. R. dunpulhl har keeo dedared World Na 1 (Under S) by the Wocld Cheis Federatlon co Rbiuuy ). co the hub of ELO rrtlng peta.s (1764X Cer-Uldy thts li tbe prooiest moment for Ibe Energy Projekt lina tu laceptlon. Tam Energy Ftojekl n»a heaitlly amgratuliles the ktl hii pareots. ind his ćcach for thb aupendoui aecompllshmcnt.

In thr leid-up to hli workfs top bllllng. Ilampirthl'i recent performinces merlt i meaUoa.

•    In the 27* CUSAT tnternillcoal Ritlng Tournamenl (Cotiln. Dec 21-24X he hnUsed 1* In Cnder &

•    ln the 2*‘Master MlndOpenlCbennal Dec 27-30). he orne t*.

•    ln the 6* Nalloni Schools (Order 9) (Nigpur. Un 5-7). he hmdaed 6*. Remembe* he nr corrpetlng wlth kids a yeor oldeC.

•    In the 1S* Delhi Inter na Id nil (New Delhi. Un 9-121. he tock the tep t»n-

. ln the 7* RM ns lunlor chess Tburni-mer* ()in28).hr trnldwd l* tender 8X . ln the Kin chi Dtatrkt Under 15 selec-tfco trlih (Rb 51 he hnltfaed 3"*.

tn tbe month of linuary ilone. be galned 236 EŁO point:, whkeh hu c&ipultcd hlm to World Na 1 (Uhder 8). Currently he Is mdlił są 1 rn Under 9 too!

llarrpaitf* li tiklng pirt ln Aston Vbuth chess ChirrfłDnshlps. 2017. to be hdd at Tirhker*. Urbekbtm (Mir 31-Aprtl 10). And Irter m August be will be gotng to Butli to paittęate ln World Ytuh Chess Chimpka-ihlpi (Brasilii. Ttan Energy Prcjckt tepn thts Ittle genie will contlnne wlh hli wto-nlrg ipree and Ihe ip to hto trp biling We wlrh hlm al thr bat—to hnłdr a the tep of the podium to the Aston and the Woriderents

Sara mu mafces strldes Y Saranya b mik Ing dow ku wre itrldes ln ber qucst of UJ norm. Her reatt performance* indude the fcdowlng;

• ln the Hydenfcad Open Cheu Tour-oamem (Dec 20-2S). ihe hnbhed 3l» o nenii

. ln the 2** Muter Mlnd Open (Chen-nat Dec 27-30). te wa the Beit V<iDmin Mayer (wlth a ca*i awird of

Rj. 3jOCOX

•    m the 1" Salem Fi DE cpen ((an 26-29), agam she get tbe beit woman plater sward

•    m the Nafcmal Tham Chess Chimplo n-irp (Bhcpoi. Rb 2-8). she hnldsed 5*.

Ourathlctes ln actlon

ln the Dr. A. Lakshmanaswamy Mudaltor Slher lublin Conroemoratlon 49* Athletb Me« of Madru Unlrerstty held m Cben-nal m Decemfcer 2016. all cur ahlctes were an»qg the medalbls.

S. Ntbya came 1" m dlsrus thr mc (3885 tn).

Danld Benyamm hnbhed r1 m t,500 ro (4.Ot mm).

R. Patlthra won 1* prtse ln 5 km race walkmg (30 min 14 *ed.

M. Gokulakinnan fankdaed 4* In NO m (2108 aec);hb team wca thegold medal ln 4 x 4CO m rday wtlh i record timing of 3 min 17 sec.

rn the Ali mdlą Inter Cn trertoly Mctt hdd at cour.huore Un 11-15). Goknla-kinnan and hb team won tbe gdd medal wlh a new meet record (3:10.82).

Yideo: http*l7youuba'D»tlhf)LuE Harlkrbhnan. our long-dlstina runner, showcłsedhb sportlng trier* m the fdlcw-Ingerenti:

-    m the Anna Uolrersty Athletlc Meet ICbennal Dec 23). be came 1* tal hdf mirahoD (2) km) wtlh a timing of


In tbe Bangdcre Mcortaln FeUlral (21 km), he hnbhed 5* (01:12:42).

-    m tbe All indu mter unherstty Athletlc Meet (|rn 15). he frnldsed 12*


He has, cf course. along way lo go. but go he wll, we hope.

Iftmnet HabillSS FreshOl Spnngbord

Mibopny Mil Osh »inrt-g ilu SPM SUK lcvd Toumimmt Nash (U tiu ccOtł icic. ling) au jJUilg:; Ilu stcrcr of ac spi K the tossuncrt

our footballem show promlse

Our luopfiycre. B. Nzoh mi M KirthUeym, uc dc®g voy wcfl md shcn* pronlse lo nule n coum * the btg eagf a i fcw ycms Urno. icrarding lo Mr. Amim nswu, heid audi (d Mibt^ny ioctbil c2uh

B. Nroiii pafeemmcc in the AUJ lełguc hcld m thtnnu (SSN) md

ltcngiiiru mu acepOorul ind rccdYed ie cołsdes freon specuicn. oMkliłs. ind cippo ncnls illke. I le mu idjudged the bec phfcr cd MIC (Under 14) a Ueterricr 20I«. Ile w U the Under 14 Stale Cenp md H pre pinng for the nett rośni of rulional lcrof aUchs

a l itile-leYcI cumpeutlon orguitred by SPTA ln Chemii. Mihogmy Pootbill

Clifa to auMTtcd (hrnipceu Jśiresh wo iitoigcd the seorer cd the gcol od the tosr-rument'.

M. Kjnhikeyin pul up i very Ar erg md cuetoaenl performmee throughout the AUT Tbuth I eaguc macha fheld O da-rui ind Bengsiinil. Ile holdt premia? to bcetene i prt&secca] pliycr In i In tein' tlme. iten hit ecudi

An etening to remember

Iren l:nergy Projektind lOcdllsbeSpliy-ot Mer* OM on in octlng er linuay 28. 2017. Flro vw wentlolhc mosSc Dange! Ihe mewie wis ihost the irdoeus pilh interte J by th: PhofpB sam Getta ind Ilifceu m wreałmg, wtth conttmt ccudilng md maiunganent freen thetr MTrałer fuher. S:« bc<h od them liter sier-ł <n to bcccene tmcrrulłteul wnstleri ofrepule Ihemotse to qtole insptrUlceul lo the sptrupc? suns is they hite d cetse thui fir through *eer fcird werk. wtth the moonUce of the ecudia md aspport from Ihe Iłitrgy Pro tli I acr in the esereng, we look them lo i resusnnl Mhcre thrceigh i InurcK dmner they found tlme enough to mngk? ind grt lo Iikw eich other MeH When B wis tlme lo furt, the leim eshorted the pUyert to Uke i letf out rf the Phogit asten' rtal-ifc aecy md cceaOenlly Rrttr to e*cel a thefr ehosen disapfines uilh i snglemnied


Ualson wlth prlmal Patterm

The Tcim rcecnlly met Dr. Bisu of Pnmil nuoss md ditcuued hew tocne ed our uhletes could itul of ihear fitness peogiamt * i cccceseon; the jroęnms will hceie thelr frlness letef s. wioch wiE refleet tn thetr ayrutnd perfcmunca cci ihe Iraeł.

Our focus on nonsports areas

We hid cirller ir.óeUeC ihu »e weeld be feeueng on uknlcd ycungocrs m the rai of musie, fae irts. mi the Uke Mi Bonu (»hu his rcecnlly quli) hu gum us tcene leidt lo promiang dmerrs md muScunt (locililndrsnenull. ir.d ihar ippflcilions in? under peoceu we Mili he ihk to g)ve m>:ee tnfo on them <oncc ippruwd) in our nett ceenmsnlcal*xv


The Energy Projekt


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