Truś study, "Factors that Influence the Suceess of t e Open łniversity/UT Studenta", was based on the wrong perception of lrI students or would be students who thought that stucy at 1/1' is easy. tost of tnein do not know that learning materials, evaluation syster and students have their own characteristicsfram which are different trem tnose in reguł er system. The most imfortant characteristict of UT student auppossed to be known is its individualized learning system.
'rhis study is intended to identify factors needed in conditioning the UT student learning; to find out t:ie amount of time neeoec; to find out the minimum budget per year; to find out student interest and 3bility, and also their sociai econanic backg~ound.
The target population o! this study is all UT stucents, while its survey population include3 all UT students from T984/1985 and 1965/1986 classes. The study aelected samples by using stratified random sampling techniąue. Stratified randem sampling was used to differenciate students wno are succeeded (nit,:i achievement) from those who are failed Clow achievement). High Achie/enent unA) students are those who earned A and B grade, wtiiie low Achievenent (LA) student3 are those who earned D and E grade.
Ouestionnaire were sent to 2675 sample students (2665 LA and 210 HA). A:oong triem 83*4 (664 LA and 170 HA) were returned. From descritive analyses, correlational analyses, and multiple cocnparation analyses we found that: