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yliitttjloi .i m cucha lo T.niic^iiQw|jmgiy wlthy :i Ihal iKilliillop, llic ilin-ai nf ulotnił wat tnlBg/.yy.wcT <-^VtJmiiiC?iMi'ittt>c^TTkcA\AĄ«.iklVlt-łlic'|lHll^-\l|.'tl>CŁc..Łiii-'. Al Q*c<li yim
Ibcn łvlniB)aallyit*df IrJ <iić*fT
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‘Tcdły. America wookl bc otemzed ifU.N. troop* eutcred Lo* Anselei to teuotc orikr Toenorrow thcy will bc siatclul' Ihl\ t\ rcpwully tnie tf Ihcy wric luld ilut Ibnr wcic na oiiKItle Ikirnl from beyond. nbrthri trał or ptomalgtitrd. that tliirntcnrtl onr vciy tthlrorc. Il K Ihrn that all propltw of Ihr wołki will plrml to tlrltrcr Hieni froin thh e\1L Tbcone tliins cvety mai fenu ii tbc rmknown Wben piewiued with Iłu* vceixmo. indhidunl n?htv will be willinzlj^iditiniińbcd fot tbc suanuitec of tbeir weU-beinz zintited to tliciu by the Wcetd Goreunueut'
- Dr. Hctny Kiwinget. BiMcibetHci Coafcteixc. Erian. Frouec. 1991.
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”\Vc arc patdftii?1b?W^ingr<ei' lwi* Tbc New Yotke^uj • lanc unga»nc, mtd otbet pcm publicmiotw wlióte duccton.luvc attctufcdom mediuj’. aaitl tcypcctcd thćirtKomnc of diwitetiew fot abuou fony yvnr*. It woukl hnvc bccii impov>.iblc fot t* to dcvclop om plan fot iIk\w"m ifo^Ujd beeti Mitycci to tłuc btijbt liglit* of publicity dming tb-icc ycan But tlić woiId t» now motc topbwtStcłl and prepared to uiaclt towanfe a worki gowiiuucnt. Tlić tuper-iMtknwl loracigMy of mi iiwclleciual elitę and wotld bemkert u wucly prefanble to tltc nMkeial miio-dctcnniiutioit pmetieed in pan ceMnric*.’ •Dnvid Rockcfdlei. Biktabetgci mccting. 1991.
-Tbiv prętem windo*' of oppomnljn drniog wliicli a truły pc*;c!iil and mietdcpcwkut wotld ordet maglu bc bnih. will not bc open for too łottg - We atc on tbc »vtge of * globnl traosfomatic* All we iteed i\ tlić rigla majce critti «nd tbc lianom will nccc|X tltc New Wotld Ołdct * - David Rockefeller tpcaking m tbc L"N. Scpt. 14. 1994,