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<- C biog.evem«e.com/blog/2014/0S/27/sjve ti(re-dDcun-<nti.-Yg-pro:es!es~2/
Posted by Joshufl Zerkel on 27 May 2014 COMM&IT
Whether your business is o oneoerson shop or a multinational Corporation, it $ very likely thot you have a number of repetitrye processes you go through on o regular bosis. Some of these tasks could nck>de oreoanng reports. submitting expenses. ordering offce supolies. or resoonding to customers. Whether oig or smali Evernote is the olace to document your orocesses and maintain consistency
Streamtine scripts and FAGs Do you ooen saies calls a certain way or respond to email inooiries with the same answers every t>me'ł Creote a Shared Business Notebook for 'Scripts' and ad-d a notę for gach of the phpng scr-ots. email tempiates. or FAQs that you* team
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