FactSheetT-01 -Incorporate Cycling into City Administration


In Central MeetBike it became elear that success of integrated bicycle pro-motion depends on elear integrated goals. political will and power as well as expertise ot the city administration. Theretore incorporating cycling into or-ganisational and operational structure ot administration can be seen as a key to successful. sustainable and integrated bicycle promotion in the cities.

Generally it can be stated that a elear and transparent definition ot responsi-bilities is supposed to help in achieving the goal of adequate consideration for cycling and the other non-motorized means on all levels and planning acti-vities ot the municipałity. A high level ot cooperation and networks between mu-nicipalities and disciplines strengthens competence and exploits possible sy-nergies. lnvolvement with stakeholders is essential for ensuring that the inte-rests of all people affected and invol-ved are taken into consideration.

Organisational structure -Cycling officer

Organisational structure defines hierarchy and responsibilities of each unit (department. employees) in the city administration. Cycling officers are the most common example how to achroca-te and incorporate cycling into the or-ganisation of municipal administration.

A generał objectńre is to have cycling achieve such status, that it is conside-red adequately and automatically on every level of the municipałity and in all planning or operating activities. Given the moderate level of generał accep-tance for cycling in the municipalities of the Czech Republic. Slovakia. and Po-land. it is not expecłed to be easy to ac-complish such an automatic consideration. Theretore. it is recommended as a first step that a Staff member in the mu-nicipality be named. who is responsible for considering and addressing cyclists' needs. The concrete responsibilities of the cycling officer can be defined in the local cycling strategy.

Each city has to decide for itself which solution fits local circumstances best. There are good examples for both pos-sibilities in Germany and other coun-tries with morę developed bicycle traf-fic: In the city of Kieł the cycling officer is directly assigned to the mayor sińce end of the 198Qs. At the same time in the city of Leipzig a cycling officer was announced. but his position was integrated into the hierarchy of city administration. Both examples still exist and showed that they can be successful. However. both options require internal regulations on procedures along with inputs of the cyding officer as well as his/her duties and rights.

Despite the means of integrating the cycling officer into city administration there are aspects that tumed out to be of parlicular importance not only in

lnt«grat«d Into hierarchy

•    Cycing officer cocperates directly włh ccileagues from transport depaffment

•    Cycing officer does not nave dlrect nfluence on Oecwonsiprocedures - he'she must deal with tradittonal procodures

•    Cycing officer is invołved drectly in concrete piannng and implementaiton

•    Inputs ot cycling offeer should be followed by defned prcceOires in admimstraton

Assigned directly to mayor

•    Cycling offeer is working seperated trem other deparmenss

•    ideas and decistcn trem cyding offeer wil have morę bnding mpact sińce they eome from hrgher admnstratwe ievel

•    WithOUl cołeagues et the separated unit ne>,she mtght demand human power of departments a lot

•    Cycling officer can mafce usc of authonty of nead of admmstraticn and dectsion makers

Figurę 1 General oębons to «'leęraVe cyding officers into dty actoinsralcn (sojree; Ahrens et H12014), p.30)


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