Use vacuum pomp to evacuate nside air by gas replacement that supports steady opera-boo under environmeru wilhout external factor. such as oxxłabon, moslure, and dusi Also. it has excellent visibility wrth all actyrlc sortace in ordę* to support morę comfortabń oporation.
Vacuum glove box rs mairty used tor cperatmg a precsion irrstoiment. such as an etectron balanco and microscopo. mixmg tosting materwls, and tor othor osages.
Espectaly. vacoum g|ove box ts required In research tield ot next generabon battery be-cause it is «nportant to compoond testing materials under aidess condibon in order to de-vetop high-pertormance electrotyte.
l Open «ts body door and put any operating materiał inside.
1 Use latch lock and air tight handle to close body and pass box outside doors Please open pass box inside door. tl you start decompression when the pass box inside door rs closed. inside ot pass box may change to additional pressure conditon. and it may damage pass box insido door.
3 Attach glove port cover into body by usmg glove port cavor botts. Ptease make surę you adjust gasket into avarage bghtness by rotating the glove port cover botts.
•t Qose all valves. make surę inside es compleateły sealed.
5 Connect vaJvo C and vacuum pump
6 Open valve B. C. E, start the vacuum pump, then exhaust mside oł body and glcve port at once. Close valve C and valve E. and stop vacuum pump after the pressure reach to your target rangę.
7 Ptease attach connector, which introduce the gas to inside ol the gtove box, to valve O. Make surę that no any extra pressure on it at that time. Open valve D fanie by linie, and slowly introduce gas.
& Use vacuum gauge to make surę the inside pressure is OMPa (Atmospheiic pressure) Then. close valve D and C to stop gas suppiy You can do morę elfect<ve gas replacement by repeat 5-7 step several times.