Specialisation: Organisational Management Study level: 1st Level (BSc.), Full-time
Roman Pietroń, PhD, PWr., Department (Katedra) BOFiZI (K-4)
E-mail: roman.pietron@pwr.edu.pl: Internet: http://www.ioz.pwr.wroc.pl/pracownicy/pietron
Course Title:
Logistyka (pot), Zarządzanie logistyką (poi.)
Course Forms and Codę:
Lecture - ZMZ1247W (15 h), Exercises - ZMZ1247C (15 h)
Total Credit Points: 2 (1/1)
Course Pre-requisites:
The basie knowledge of business and enterprise management, financial and information systems. The fundamentals of the economic theory and firm theory are also recommended.
Lecture Description:
The lecture enables students to learn the basie concepts of supply chains, logistics and logistics management with its applications in management of economic and business systems, particularly enterprises. It consists of the following parts: introduction to logistics concepts (market-oriented, time-oriented, flow-oriented, and integration-oriented), logistics methodology and techniques, and an overview of logistics strategies on case study examples. The course enables also understanding the issues related to the area of logistics (including contemporary issues of IT applications in: JIT, ECR, ERP, MRP, DRP, EPC) and ability to analyse the supply Chain functioning.
Lecture Contents:
1. Introduction to logistics - origins, evolution, trends
2. Concepts of logistics, logistics strategies, methods, principles and systems
3. Areas and logistics activities in modern enterprises
4. Logistics processes, order processing, information systems and integration
5. Supply logistics, production logistics, distribution logistics, green logistics
6. Fundamentals of purchasing, warehousing and transportation systems
7. Logistics systems’ requirements -forecasting, planning and decision making
8. Course summary - practical conclusions and assessment
Lecture Assessment:
FINAŁ ASSESSMENT (Test + attendance bonus points)
June 1st (first attempt: May 18th)