J Uttcnlng I-------


Iron idcniify (tor coMcit ofa dltftojjw or monologi*

I Cr.immiir I - ^    '    . .'■

Superlative adjectives, too and enough


law rr/ikceomporhónt uiing wpchlbr oĄeeUm. tooonćcr.

1 ComptHe the f atts with the luperUtły* form of the adject »n bracftets and the correct answer. a, b or c.

1 The .    .. |h*gb) rr«y\toto .n Cun** i 0

j flbrus    b    Imrst    c    fy,y

7 ^    - ..|fjr)p*ao*frcrnihe*un*Q

J fyth    t>    Uercury    <    Ncptune

1 The____^łdeepj ocean* Q

j tneA/ct*    b    the Atlant*    c    tre?aof*

4 Thp    „ (sunny) part of lrgUrd * 0

c thecemre

< Afr<j

2 listen and cheek your amwer* to excrche

|bad) part

(hot) monkh tn / of t hr



*tri%\Oh Student’* 8ook p.lgo 4)

1 Match thp wordibetowwithdelitMŁons T-10>

jvjl>rKh< droughf rarthquake epidemie famine

flood fo«nt fire mudsMe tumani

yokanlc eruption

1    A»r\)_Hwhenthegnjuodshakr*


2    A//i)__rtwhenhotrockvfkp j<-0

Ufam tuddenly come out of thp gtound

I afn)_n when wiatce cc»os the

ground m place* whkh >*e uwady dry

4    Ajn)_owhensoowandkefoi

qu<Hy down a mountain

5 A(n)„    ..na kng pertod of tenc without enough fccd m a region

6    A^n}_c* a v*ey l>»ge and ly>g wavr

Mbwmg an r^lht^afcp undft thp ocean

7    AJrti    nwłenthp.1'frtnoramfora

4 A|nj    hafi*ethat^eaidsi>XUy

through a Urge a*ra of tree*

9 A(r\‘    n when j imjJł d*eave

to lo«v of peopłe

O A(rJ.    H when a Urge qu»r* *ty ot

wet earth *»M*f*i t**s down the ude of a M

labę* photos A and 8 with words ftom exerctse t.

Strategia słuchania

w*, ust b>* w starve cfciciMć kontekst tekstu nagrania, t| kto rrOwi. gdr« s«C    ***/10    <>*** ‘ pto

syt.uco N.e lawsrejesttoouyw.stc.dlategowa&k słuchWa śruta; wsfcartwtfc. które pomog* d to ustak*.

3 foTl e.cad the Ustentog Strategy Then tfcUn to two dlaloguct md answer the ouestłoos. Wrlte the clue* wh<v gare you thp answors Dologuel

l SShere a»c theyJ--—---^


7 V.hat natur*'d/va*tct cauSOd the damage?    ____:

Djlogue 2

3 V*rut c»nd of natura* disaster a*c they

4 \Vhattimeofday«i»t>

4 KE0 listen to four extrKts. Match each exIract wnh natura! cAva\ter from eaerche 1.

1 Natura«dv»ter.

2    Naturał dtsastpr_

3    Naturał d^aster    n

4    Nitural d^OSTcr

s (KEB listen agałn and choose the correct amwer*.

1    Thed^vY»xtacr\ptice

a m a shopping cefitrr b * the st*eet c »n a >upe'marbrt

2    The diwsfor hapęcncd wfute the speaker a wasenhohday niapjn

b was ma tiusmess < was m a Uparese *esson

3    Thespeat^frstwenttoAfhca a akout th/eeyear* ago

b abcut twoyears ago c befere van.-n?rv!y

4    the man who żs g>/ing 'nfa^mation atou! fAount 6agar43 a jgjcstatthchotf’

b am enp<oyee at a tourcst inforrra!>on</fKe. c ar err.p‘oyee of tne hotef

a thcnorth    b    thesovth

The    . (po* uted) oty mthe wcrld n Q

a NowYcek    b    New Orlean*    <    New Drh*

The_______;-komrron)c-auseof JtvxvamiiQ

a anea»tN>jake b a vo'<an< cn^r.oo c a«o<m

The country with the _    ___;to*g) Coast n □

a fulM    b    Chna    c    Canada

The    Oarge) Randki the wkJ n Q

a Oca! Or*ta«n b Greeniand    c keUnd

The.    ... ldrtf<cmt**nt«-łtbcYWfld*0

a Antarct<a    b    AuttraUi

3 Compłete the seotences with the correct vuperlal»ve form

of the ad)e<tivei tn brackets. Then cif de »n or of.

1    B-nringru^n c^e </ the _ bi/of England

2    C'ocod'*esa*eonecf the_

artmiH *n / of tre wor'.«J

3    Thetpeoaleffe<H.irclhe in/of the film Term\notOf 2

4    m A!jst»ało. tt-e yearn usualły fcbtuiy

5    TheOotch«tpf ncocof the hoteh in / of tondco

4 Rewrite the sentences uslng too or encuph and the ad^ctńe in brackets Do not change the meaning,

1    ThiS gamę Hn‘t easy enough for me. (dffcuit)

TH5 tprre to teo flc>t fpe

2    V.‘e te too young to go on hoWay atooe ;old)

3 This oed d too hard (soft)

4 Th s film hr* t ntetesting enough-\bor.ng)

S n »sn’t wa»m enough to go to the fceach fcoW)

6 HH farr.dy we*c too poor to go on hcAday. (r<h)

S CompW-te the dalogue t^e foo ot enouah with the adjeeth* m brackets or the superlatm? form.

»Ute Now we join Srett $Ynp*on for thr'

(a*e; nr»vn atout the w»V5f»re\ Btett wKit i


btett Wr..thepcf^earen t aflowr^ustogr^

1......(ckoseJ to the Tire* but I c*n f eet

the heat f vt\ here

Kate >4ow ate the peopk tn the atea trAr?i%V i! ijn't cp* 0#thek.__{tkh)patt\of the country

Brett No. *t rsn't Somr peepłe Ate •

Oucky) to havr rdatven *o other ories so thr/te Wmg M many are1    (c*(1) or

*_    (AJtOtra^ Tt^e/rrwaitingard

Cate Whafsthe'

peoę*e can do to hpSpł Brelt V\^e4. iaskedtnepcf<ethatqoe*tK>n They wdttir

•    _(helpfufl th rg n to stay away from

the atea Ttx*-*a-vds of peopie are con-.rg h<re just to havt a look T>^ rv one cf the %

Cb$)aod“.    _ lspectao>at) f*res for

deodn But these peopae ate gettirg in tne way of the e»reTęercyserv»ccvjfxltheir wtyk Andthc^yob *s *    _ (d< ff<o*t) without thatl

Kate WhM o the u    (kkety) c*;tse of tt »■

It s    _    (catly)tosay 5on*.etime*

l^htringcan start a fire '.ile thn, if the tree* ate “__(dcy) 8ot of cour*e. humans

»• Fuflhef praetke Onłr.*PrKl<c4 Gt i*


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