
The European Commission will launch a pilot scheme for Young Civil Scrsants at the Western Bałkan Summit >n Pans in July.

Il involves an cxeculivc programmc at Sciences Po m Pans (in English) as well as a sbort cxchangc programmc in the region. It will be implemcntcd by the British Council.

The pilot phase involves 30 civil scrsants (5 from each country) with bctwccn 2 and 5 )cars of cxpcncncc. bulially. it will comprnc dvil scrsants insolscd in policy formubbon m the Pnmc Minister-* office. planning and stralcgy umts or tbe Ministry of European integratian. This would ensure that the ovcrall group is as coberent as posable. Parlicipants would need to pass a stnet English languagc test.

The programmc at Sciences Po mvolves Iwo separate study period* of 10 days each. This mini nu ses tbe timc away from work. and providcs limę for preparat lon and lołlow-up.

The cxchange is also bmiled to 2 w cek*, and will be orgamscd simullaneously for all 30 civil scrsants. Each country will reccśw I candidate from each of the otber 5 counlric*. in order to strengthen the regional recancilialion element.


It is important to sclect the best possiblc candsJalcs for the pilot scheme. The selection panel will eompnsc tbe European Commission. tbe Bntish Council. Sciences Po and the NI PAC officcs. There will be 3 separate sta ges:

1)    Long list bascd on eiigibility entena (years of expericnce. area of work. work status). motivalion letter and CV. This will be tlone through an onbne appłication platform.

2)    Short bst bascd on English IELS test (Academic level). Each canibdatc need to have an oseratl score of 7 (out of 9) and with no sub-score bclow 6.

3)    Kinal selection bascd on intcryicw (molisalion).

Time Schedule

In an ideał world. tbe timc tablc would be as follows:

•    FormaI launch on 4 July (Pans summit)

•    Contraci signature August.

-    Insilalion/Call for p ropo sal* (24/8 - 9/9)

•    Selection panel* September (one w cek)

-    Sciences Po round one October (10 days)

-    Sciences Po round two Deceniber (10 da>s)

•    Western Bałkan Eachange February (2 weeks)


The pilot scheme bas fceen discussed and agreed with Sciences Po and tbe Bntish Council. and countnes ha\e bcen fully consulted.

It is proposcd to organisc a lessons-leamed/wTap-up session for all 30 civil scrsants in Apnl/May 2017. This could be combmed with a sisibibly esent with highdeyel involvement from Commissioner llahn and political leader* from tbe region.


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