WiRKIKL. XXXVIII. V«i#* of /#r>vl #*f Jtrto A
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»Ufk of Joseph, wblrli łę In Ihd IkuhI ofKphraiin. aud thatr
CHAT. 31 4 IUt. *X f.
brrtth to ctiter tato ycitt, and ye
•hnfl lito:
ml I will lny *U»«wa npon yoo, tal limie on qft»h ti|*m ytm *<xl włor yuu wlth akłn. and i*it Kwnth In yon, &nd jo ihctll llre; 'and yn ahx!l know tłnl I an fho boai«.
T 5o I iMubttled as 1 v.n ci«n-inM» L"/1 iWd *• I proptMnltfd, tatro w u* u Dtiiłw. miiI bebobl a thiklttf, and tho bouoa ramo tooctiicr. kuae tn hla bonu
* And wrhim I WhHi lo. tbf itadWi
■tt.-nli ftltiw «i> npoo U*», *kln mtHrM th«n tW« mu no bMth in thcm afcl hu uMO m*.\ PrnpbrsY • *wtnci, jtt»i>ho«y, ti« of inna, otul »»y tó U* wind, Inna •nllh tłw l*>rd Gooj Cftne /nosa
lk«(o*3r rrhiHłjO i/ivMli. *nd brrnthe «ttfc tlwohln. th\f they May livt Id H« K penphMJod, am ho cmu-in indol m*\ #%nd thobmtli camo tnioŁbont And they lirnl. And rfeoa np nfon tlwir fwc, a u AJteoodlny trrenc mor.
11 Th«q Tin *xłd unto ran. 8011 nf mun. ti*w> MM iw ths vm(c homo of IM: bebold. they any,
4 Otir bom« afo drH and nur lł»>jo h loit. rrv. um cni otf fbr nur pum*. 19 Thwforo prm»he«y and »*y unio thcm, Tlitłi mStfl tb* I10H <3ot»; R*ln>M. *0 my v»0}4*, I will opm font eniret, and CAU* ymi to como np <ml of your srm< »nd tons / vou lato ilw Unii <if untuL U Atut fe *hilt kn«»v th%t I wn lim Dokp. w hen I hATAopfiioi \yiur
O łn» pfoplo. Atut taopflit tm n% »«H nf tww fwtflL
H And Mm pul mr Sidrli In run, ttttil yi? tórnll lito * nua 1 thtll nsMi ton :u rour i»wn Und: tUrn ahnU yu koowihAt l tl* Loftb huto anokon it indiłntlththe Łonn. 15 *5 The nonl <»T LoiD cudo Atfthi unio roe,
»t) Mofoow, tonu ami of tnna, ,uk»* iheęeaesttefc, and wrUunnon II For Judah. and fi>f **1110 rnU-
droii uf lumrl hit«ou)iiAnlf>fti: thcu nnottrtf utifk. And wHfu n\*m li F«*r4ow»rii, llwctlckof KiditMirti. nml for i.H Uie bmisn of IirnuS m
i Hi HMI one to anotb^r O Ann Ktirk: tr>l they ihxll henn n«n tn thme haod.
And when lho Mim nf thy fonio oh Ali »jioil unio t lice. aiytris?, fcW)tt thnn noc. »oww la *wbat tbou mwrutł hr tbo«c?
^r.* gły #nnto thero. Thnemlth the i
irlbw oflrmcl
hla fcllowu. and wił) imt fhem wim mm, rpen wllh lUa »tVk of Ji nnd snnkf thrtn one tfMk. umł ehnll bo <-ao lu mino hand.
W And the itfcfe* wlirrtv»o t vn’tc?d cV.tll bo tn thlno ha ud fow thfir creo.
;!•: And royuntothcfn *11111* #aith •-ha ijortl (Jod*. Behold. 11 will tuko iho chUdnwi «>f I*ncl fmn .imottt Ibc lii‘xtbc,i w hłttier thry bo jwin. nnd will iJtlhrr Urttn on crery <Ma. nnd brtn*|lir«n lr.U» tliełruwTi land.
•J‘J And r 1 wtll make th«?m on# mi-tłem In tho luiwl upon IbotnoanUliu of Itru); md *un# klnf *ba!l bo kim* to Łbom mil: nnd ther th»ll hu no mono tvo iiiilonH. iioiil>cr *haU lliey bedłttąod icio tao klfigdotta xny innre n*. aII : _ ti Xdtbcr * alull they dotlić ttwsn-»dv»*< Miy itym? wlib Ihalr IdoH,
n«*r wiłh lb*‘.rd?tcitAt4f ihlnęs DOT
vlth iuit of tbcir tcAtt^rtaortorw: lail n will totn thcm ant of aH tli«Ir dwolhny pbccua. whorełn th«y hote
f6nricv|. Aiut win c>.ina- thion- j*a khall rj»av Ul my trupie. And i will
kr tłurtr Ood.
•ii And * nartd my Henrant tkaU t»< hii>^ orer thcm *. Alid •tbcy tli chUl have one abr]di*rd: they ihill nki^ walk lu my JuiUnmnlą and ctedrre my rtatxitc^ nnd do them.
V* And they thnll d *t\\ in iho land th*t I harc rb«n unto Jne*>b my lerrimt, wbrreln yonr (mthetl hare dwelt: nnd tberihslł dwell Hiijln.
<iyn Iher. cndT iheh cbllnn*n. aimI tlłWr ehiMroi’* chiUren, #for cver: and *ni / mrvaot Duvid Af*a«hętbelr inncę for cyc?.
MoUKiYor I will tnibo a k-
n<mt or ik«aco willi thcm; Holmll hu an cYci U-fiHf omninl wlih thnn md I will vU*m thcm. and umhiplji ihom. and will w*t my •annctnorjr In V
lho ioid»t of f.tr eremcce.
57 My *tnht>Tm/to ***> ■bał! wtth tlip.m: jra. 1 will be tl>oir Gcd. nud Ikry sbiU t«e my ppoalf t* Aod Uli Imithrn ibij] kr,ow ttttt I tl*r l.ohi* do mnctlfy tarnol, whm nir Mnrtn.ary aln!l bc Ul lim tflhkfc ^ of Cjnii fer cYcrmorc. ^
I .łnt>f 1/ 0m 1 A id o4 14
•CTttfauC i im.
AND tlić woni of the ls>%v eiior iA nuto me. uylnff.
Z Son of nuII. ret tby face 0«1tM *0w. tko Mnd <4 Mairw. i the diwf l»ru.rc cf Xc»t»Ci) *aud Tutul, and rrocbfA)- ifalnil Mra.
1 And *Ajr. TJliii ttUh Ibe L*3r t j f?oo: Debnld, I km ^aiiitl tbrt, O ; 0«r, th- chlof pr.u:« of Mcshcch