>yrw, €.2.
6th March, 1945.
His Excellency, The Frime Minister of Poland, 18, Kensington Pałace Gardens,
Many thanks indeed for your kind letter of lst inst. with the warm expression of your thanks for the copy of the Manifesto ieeued by the Hierarchy of Scotland. I think the Statement was very timeous, coming as it did on the Eve of the Debate in the House of Commons. It has certainly directed all discussion into the proper channels, and, from the numerous letters which. I have received and the many messages which have come to hand, I am convinced that the Statement is one of the most important pronouncements which has been madę sińce the War started. The American and Canadian papers were supplied with the Statement by cable and I have been informed that it has received an excellent Press everywhere,
I am much obliged to you for the materiał which you have sent to me and I shall make a careful study of this in the very near futurę.
Trusting that you are well and with every
Yours sincerely,
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