Wysłuchaj nagrania dotyczącego historii jednego z miejsc powiązanych z Fryderykiem Chopinem i odpowiedz na pytania.
1. The church is important because:
- it’s the Chopin’s parish church
- finał resting place of Frederic Chopin’s heart (his body is in France)
2. In the left column in the central nave.
3. Russian authorities didn’t agree for Chopin’s body to be transported back to Poland.
4. Louise, Frederic’s sister, was the courier.
5. Louise hid the heart in a jar of spirits. The jar itself was in a wooden box so that it didn’t look suspicious. When Crossing the border the box was hidden under Louise’s skirt.
6. Louise didn’t want to be caught with them so she sent them back to George Sand. George Sand burnt them.
7. Acquaintance with the president of Warsaw helped. His son was a priest and convinced the church authorities to place the heart in the Holy Cross church.
8. The event can be described as an act of courage.
Po wykonaniu dotychczasowych ćwiczeń powiedz, co sądzisz o Fryderyku Chopinie.
Students’ own answers. Własne odpowiedzi uczniów.
Dysponując różnymi źródłami, znajdź odpowiedzi do poniższego quizu.
1. Żelazowa Wola, Poland
2. 1810
3. French
4. 15
5. Romantic
6. Piano
7. Nocturne
8. Piano Concerto no. 1 in E minor op. 11
9. France
10. He was modest and shy; he avoided public performance.
11. Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier