Table 2.2 Best model explaining mass and sex independent Msum variations. Residual minimal absolute humidity was extracted from a polynomial regression and Controls for the effect of ambient temperaturę.....................................................62
Table 5.1 Model selection testing for the effect of period and group (i.e. cohort and age) on the return ratę of both cohorts during winter. (Waicc: weight of the model, Par : number of parameters, Dev.: Deviance)............................................................134
Table 5.2 Model selection testing for the effect of mean size-independent body mass (Ms), haematocrit (Het), residual basal metabolic ratę (resBMR) and residual summit metabolic ratę (resMsum) on the return ratę of both cohorts during winter. (WA1Cc: weight of the model, Par : number of parameters, Dev.: Deviance)...................135
Table 5.3 Model selection testing for the effect of mean size-independent body mass (Ms), haematocrit (Het), basal metabolic ratę (BMR) and summit metabolic ratę (Msum) on the return ratę of both cohorts during winter. (WAicc: weight of the model, Par: number of parameters, Dev.: Deviance)............................................................137
Table 5.4 Model selection testing for the effect of event and age on the return ratę of cohort 1 between years. (QAICc: modified AICc, WqA]Cc : weight of the model, Par: number of parameters, QDev.: deviance)..........................................................139
Table 5.5 Model selection testing for the effect of mean size-independent body mass (Ms), haematocrit (Het), residual basal metabolic ratę (resBMR) and residual summit metabolic ratę (resMsum) on the return ratę of cohort 1 among years. (QAICc: modified AICc, Wę^cc: weight of the model, Par : number of parameters, QDev.: Deviance).........................................................................................................140
Table A.l Inter-seasonal variation in body mass, basal metabolic ratę (BMR), summit metabolic ratę (Msum) and metabolic expansibility (ME). Data are least sąuare means controlling for year, season and sex (and time of capture for body mass) with bird ED as random parameter....................................................................177
Table A.2 Intra-seasonal variation in body mass, basal metabolic ratę (BMR), summit metabolic ratę (Msum) and metabolic expansibility (ME). Data are least sąuare means controlling for sex, year, month and the interaction year*month for Msum