
* •

i %


. i

* •

V \

•Sometimes, wheh the thing refelrred to is not.

known to the speaker, the supęrlative is expressed

# i.

by. repeating the adjective arid# inserting the

postposition "se" in between.


accha se eccha

kapda lana.

1.. Repetition t i pensil se u pensil

le^mba ha i

m «

♦ > %

i ghar se u ghar uNca

' hai.


• •

haraar 'buk se tumar, buk

# * -*■

acchf- hai

suwa lau-toka se baji a


" hai

2. Repet.ition

- • %

Sab se uNća pahar kahaN

•    . *tar,


hai? *

u adml sab se mota hei

• •

5 u

Bring *the besj: materiał.. 4

That penc;il is ^dnger than

• ^

this .pencil.


That house is' taller than



,.thi6 house.

• #

Your book is better than


• •

# '•i


•*< \


Suva is bigger than LauYdkak' '    . iJ-

v ' " H: .W


Where is the highest aoun-,.^ / łvj

tain of all?- .    '

• #


That man is'the fattefct

o f a Vhi*


i am sab se mltha hai '' This mango is the sweetest

' —* - f* . /





*• *


huaN ka - nSYiy a‘seb se


bada hal*" - .    125


The .coconuts from that place*

' *>•' •’ *> :& ' '•

*    s.    ' cl    ■

.are sweetest of all..

•-    _v\fr > v


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